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Notion SDK / Kotlin Multiplatform


Use your Notion table as a data source.
Export Notion pages as Markdown recursively.

Build API version GitHub license

Not affiliated with Notion but uses the official API.
The documentation is available here:



Library is published to the Maven Central repository.

Latest version: maven-central

Supported endpoints

Example usage - retrieve a database

How to get a token and the database ID:

val notion = Notion.fromToken(
    token = "token",
    httpClient = HttpClient(CIO)

val schema = notion.retrieveDatabase("databaseId")
val database = notion.queryDatabase("databaseId")

val uncheckedRowSelectedOptionsIds = database.results
    .first { row ->
        val checkboxColumnSelected = (row.columns
            .value as NotionDatabaseProperty.Checkbox)

    .let { column -> column.value as NotionDatabaseProperty.MultiSelect } { option -> }

val availableOptions = databaseInfo.schema.getValue("MultiSelectColumn")
    .let { property -> property as NotionDatabasePropertySchema.MultiSelect }

val uncheckedRowIgnoredOptionsNames = availableOptions
    .filter { option -> !in uncheckedRowSelectedOptionsIds }
    .map { option -> }

// Output:
// [OptionThree]

// Output:
// NotionDatabase(
//    rows=[
//        NotionDatabaseRow(
//            columns={
//                MultiSelectColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=MultiSelectColumn, value=MultiSelect(id=MWKa, selected=[])),
//                CheckboxColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=CheckboxColumn, value=Checkbox(id=%5CUbj, selected=true)),
//                LastEditedByColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=LastEditedByColumn, value=LastEditedBy(id=d%3EIW, lastEditedBy=User(id=UUID, name=Peter Samokhin, avatarUrl=, [email protected]))), 
//                TitleColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=TitleColumn, value=Title(id=title, text=second row title))
//            }
//        ),
//        NotionDatabaseRow(
//            columns={
//                MultiSelectColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=MultiSelectColumn, value=MultiSelect(id=MWKa, selected=[Option(id=UUID, name=OptionOne), Option(id=UUID, name=OptionTwo)])),
//                CheckboxColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=CheckboxColumn, value=Checkbox(id=%5CUbj, selected=false)),
//                LastEditedByColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=LastEditedByColumn, value=LastEditedBy(id=d%3EIW, lastEditedBy=User(id=UUID, name=Peter Samokhin, avatarUrl=, [email protected]))), 
//                TitleColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=TitleColumn, value=Title(id=title, text=first row title))
//            }
//        )
//    ],
//    nextCursor=null,
//    hasMore=false
// )

Example usage - export a Notion page as markdown

How to get a token and the page (block) ID:

val notion = Notion.fromToken(
    token = "token",
    httpClient = HttpClient(CIO)
val blocks: List<NotionBlock> = notion.retrieveBlockChildren("page-id").results

val exporter = NotionMarkdownExporter.create()

// the simplest way
val markdown: String = exporter.export(blocks = blocks)

// or a bit more complicated way
val markdown: String = exporter.exportRecursively(
    blocks = blocks,
    settings = Settings(), // please read the KDocs
    notion = notion,
    depthLevel = 3,

What is supported:

  • All block types which have the content returned from the API (i.e. except the table of contents, etc.).
  • Formatting
  • Indentation for the children pages embedded content

What is NOT supported:

  • HTML blocks like aside (callout), summary+details (spoiler aka toggle), font colors
  • Many of other advanced blocks, they are simplified

Purpose of the SDK

This library is intended to help with retrieving the info from the Notion databases and pages.
Mostly, this is a handy tool which covers only the specific needs if you use Notion as a convenient data source.
Also, it can help to migrate from Notion to any other tool by exporting the pages as Markdown.

Feel free to contribute if you need some additional functionality