Reads the IP address of the Fall Guys Server from the player logs. Then directly pings the Fall Guys Server every 5 seconds and presents the stats in an overlay
This is different from other Fall Guys stats collectors which read the ping from the logs. The problem with that approach is the ping is not updated very often in the logs, and the value appears to be more than just an RTT ping, for example it could include processing time on the server, or it could be rounded up to specific numbers. In my experince the ping number in the player logs can not be trusted.
If you want a one click executable file, no need to worry about the source code or anything, download and run here (first time you download Windows Defender will need ~10 seconds to scan the file and you may get a warning where you need to click "More info" -> "Run Anyway"):
Press the X at the leftmost section of the overlay
You can find statistics of all your Fall Guys sessions by opening File Explorer and pasting in the address bar: %APPDATA%\fgpe
In here you will find a file named stats.csv
which you can open with Excel or import in to Google Sheets or many other tools / programming languages
There is now an option to use an IP database to lookup the server location dynamically. This database must be installed manually after registering for a free account.
- Go to
- Click "Signup for GeoLite2" (It is a free account)
- Login to your account
- Click on "Download Databases" or "Download Files"
- In the "GeoLite2 City" section with format: GeoIP2 Binary (.mmdb), click "Download GZIP"
- Decompress the downloaded file. You might need a tool like 7-zip to decompress it
- Decompress the .tar file
- You should have a folder with a
file in it. - Copy
which should be likeC:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\fgpe
- Restart Fall Guys Ping Estimate
Because the region and location is built manually there will likely be many ip addresses where the region and location are not known. When this happens you will see the IP address displayed instead of the region and locations.
To report this take the following steps:
- Open a New Issue:
- Put in what details you can, especiailly if you know your Fall Guys Region
- Open File Explorer and paste in the address bar
and press enter - Drag the file "unknown_ip_addresses.csv" in to the new issues box
- Press "Submit new issue"
To install you must have Python 3.9+ and run the following command:
python -m pip install git+
On the command line run:
python -m fgpe
Checkout the source code from git, have Python 3.9+ installed.
Install the package in the git repository:
python -m pip install .
Install Pyinstaller:
python -m pip install pyinstaller
Build the installer (will create an exe at dist\run_fgpe.exe):
python -m PyInstaller installer\ --clean --add-data "fgpe/data/*;fgpe/data" --noconsole --onefile --icon installer\fall_guy.ico
The excellent icon file for the executable was created by "Foxpool":
It is listed as "Free for commercial use. No attribution required" and is sourced at: