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ComfyUI InstantID Faceswapper v0.0.5

About | Installation guide | Custom nodes | Workflows | Workflow script | Tips | Changelog

Implementation of faceswap based on InstantID for ComfyUI.
Allows usage of LCM Lora which can produce good results in only a few generation steps.
Works ONLY with SDXL checkpoints.

image image

Installation guide

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  1. Clone or download this repository and put it into ComfyUI/custom_nodes
  2. Open commandline in the ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-instantId-faceswap/ folder and type pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies
  3. Manually download required files and create required folders:
    • antelopev2 models and put them into ComfyUI/models/insightface/models/antelopev2 folder

      • 1k3d68.onnx
      • 2d106det.onnx
      • genderage.onnx
      • glintr100.onnx
      • scrfd_10g_bnkps.onnx
    • IpAdapter and ControlNet

      • ip-adapter.bin - put it into ComfyUI/models/ipadapter
      • ControlNetModel/diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors - put it into ComfyUI/models/controlnet/ControlNetModel
      • ControlNetModel/config.json - put it into ComfyUI/models/controlnet/ControlNetModel
    • LCM Lora *Optional (but higly recomended)

      • pytorch_lora_weights.safetensors - put it into ComfyUI/models/loras

Newly added files hierarchy should look like this:


*Note You don't need to add the 'ipadapter', 'controlnet', and 'lora' folders to this specific location if you already have them somewhere else. Instead, You can edit ComfyUI/extra_model_paths.yaml and add folders containing those files to the config.

Custom nodes

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Faceswap LCM Lora


  • lcm_lora - path to your LCM lora inside the folder with Loras

Faceswap setup

Loads everything and sets up the pipeline

  • checkpoint - your SDXL checkpoint (do not use checkpoints for inpainting!)
  • controlnet - folder where your ControlNetModel is located
  • controlnet_name - folder with ControlNetModel if you renamed the original folder then type a new name here if you followed the instructions then leave "/ControlNetModel"
  • ipadapter - ip adapter from the instruction

Faceswap face embed

Prepares face embeds for the generation, you can chain face embeds to improve results

  • face_image - input image from which to extract embed data
  • face_embed - face_embed(s)

Faceswap generate

Generates new face from input Image based on input mask

  • padding - how much the image region sent to the pipeline will be enlarged by mask bbox with padding.
  • ip_adapter_scale - strength of ip adapter.
  • controlnet conditioning scale - strength of controlnet.
  • guidance_scale - guidance scale value encourages the model to generate images closely linked to the text prompt at the expense of lower image quality. Guidance scale is enabled when guidance_scale > 1.
  • steps - how many steps generation will take
  • resize - Maximum value to which the cut region of the image will be scaled. Larger values should yield better results but will be slower. To disable, select don't.
  • mask_strength - strength of mask.
  • blur_mask - how much blur add to a mask before composing it into the the result picture.
  • rotate_face - This option rotates the image before processing and rotates it back afterward to keep the face straight.
    • loseless - This option rotates the image by multiples of 90 angles (90, 180, 270). You shouldn't lose any quality.
    • always - This option rotates the image by any angle in an attempt to keep the face straight. Note: You will lose some quality of the original image.
    • don't - This option does nothing; it won't rotate the image at all.
  • offload - if you are experiencing memory issues during the decoding process, this option might help.
    • don't - do nothing. This is the fastest option and does not move memory.
    • before decoding - moves a significant amount of memory from VRAM to RAM to save memory before decoding. Use this option if you are running out of memory after reaching 100% during generation.
    • at the end - same as before decoding and moves the entire pipeline into RAM after decoding. Use this option if you are doing something else besides faceswapping.
  • seed - seed send to pipeline
  • control_after_generate - what to do with seed
  • positive - positive prompts
  • negative - negative prompts, works only when guidance_scale > 1
  • negative2 - negative prompts


About | Installation guide | Custom nodes | Workflows | Workflow script | Tips | Changelog

You can find example workflows in the /workflows folder.

Workflow script (beta)

About | Installation guide | Custom nodes | Workflows | Workflow script | Tips | Changelog

The simple script,, can generate workflows based on the face images contained in a specific folder. The script will automatically generate appropriate nodes and connect them together. Keep in mind that there is no validation to check if there is a face in the image.

You can copy the script anywhere you want for easier access; it has no dependencies inside the custom_node.

Only files with extensions: jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif, webp, and jiff will be included in the workflow.

The script will not upload reference images into the ComfyUI/input folder. As a result, you won't be able to preview those images.

If you move, rename, delete image files, or modify paths in any way, the workflow will stop working.

You may see warnings (errors) in the console while loading generated workflows, ignore those.



  • input folder absolute path
  • (optional) output workflow file name (default: "workflow")


This command will generate 'albert.json' workflow, which should include all the required nodes for face reference images in the 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ALBERT' folder. C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ALBERT albert



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  • If instead of face you are getting artifacts try using resize option with a high value if that doesn't help, try reducing the padding parameter.
  • By using LCM lora you can generate good images in 2-3 steps (10+ otherwise).
  • If the result is too different in color from the original, try reducing the number of steps and/or the ip_adapter_scale value.
  • If you get No face detected in pose image error try to increase padding. It means the current mask + padding is not enough to detect the face in the input image by insightface.


About | Installation guide | Custom nodes | Workflows | Workflow script | Tips | Changelog

  • 0.0.5 (25.02.2024)

    • The mask_strength parameter has been fixed; it now functions correctly. Previously, it was stuck at 0.9999 regardless of the chosen value.
    • The ip_adapter_scale parameter has been fixed. If you were using the xformers, this parameter could be stuck at 50.
    • Changed the method of processing face_embed(s).
    • Added the rotate_face parameter. It will attempt to rotate the image to keep the face straight before processing and rotate it back to the original position afterward.
  • 0.0.4 (14.02.2024)

    • To save memory, you can run Comfy with the --fp16-vae argument to disable the default VAE upcasting to float32.
    • Merged the old resize and resize_to options into just resize for the Faceswap generate node. To emulate the old behavior where resize was unchecked, select don't.
    • Added a manual offload mechanism to save GPU memory.
    • Changed the minimum and maximum values for mask_strength to range from 0.00 to 1.00.
  • 0.0.3 (07.02.2024)

    • Fixed an error that caused new face_embeds to be added when editing previous ones
  • 0.0.2 (05.02.2024)

    • Introducing workflow generator script - more information here
    • Updating the dependency diffusers to version 0.26.x. Run either:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


    pip install -U diffusers~=0.26.0
  • 0.0.1 (01.02.2024)

    • Progress bar and latent preview added for generation node