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A feedback tool for Jitsi Meet.

Key Features

This application is meant to run in conjunction with Jitsi Meet embedded as an Element widget to manage, view and persist feedback rating data. The Jitsi instance must be hosted in the context of Element/Matrix, as this application performs authentication/authorization checks against the Matrix UVS component. The data is gathered from Jitsi's internal feedback dialogue and persisted into its own postgres database. One is able to visualize the data with grafana.

How To Use

This feedback application is made up of several components you need to install and configure. You can find documentation on how to install, configure, and use each one in their respective folders.

  1. jitsi-feedback-plugin implements the frontend in form of a Jitsi Meet plugin
  2. backend is a REST service which verifies authorization and writes data to a database
  3. Grafana can be used to visualise the data using the provided dashboard

We provide Helm charts for easy deployment of the backend part in the helm-charts directory.


You can download the latest version of our feedback-application from this Github repo (

How to Contribute

Please take a look at our Contribution Guidelines.


Jitsi Conference Mapper - Jitsi Conference Mapper

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This project is licensed under APACHE 2.0.


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