Automatic loading of Google Calendar events to Toggl using trigger events coming from Cloud Scheduler via Pub/Sub to a Cloud Functions service. The solution has 2 main parts:
- Function that loads calendar events and predicts the project for each event
- Function that retrains prediction model periodically
- Generate Calender API and Toggl credentials using
- Enable required Google APIs.
- Create Pub/Sub topic.
- Deploy Cloud Function.
- Deploy a scheduled job in Cloud Scheduler.
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \
gcloud pubsub topics create calendar
gcloud functions deploy calendar_to_toggl \
--runtime python38 \
--trigger-topic calendar \
--memory 512MB
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub calendar_trigger \
--schedule "0 10-22/4 * * 1-5" \
--topic=calendar \
--message-body "4" \
--time-zone "Europe/Budapest"
From the retrainer_cf folder issue the following commands:
Copy the pickled credentials to a cloud storage bucket and add it to the retrainer_cf/
gcloud pubsub topics create calendar_retrain
gcloud functions deploy calendar_retrain \
--runtime python38 \
--trigger-topic calendar_retrain \
--memory 128MB
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub calendar_retraining_trigger \
--schedule "0 22 * * 1-5" \
--topic=calendar_retrain \
--message-body "0" \
--time-zone "Europe/Budapest"
- Automate deployment
- Store Toggl project infos in Datastore since querying it requires admin rights
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
First create the secret version
printf "YOUR SECRET" | gcloud secrets create toggl_key --data-file=-
Then add methods from to
From the retrainer_cf folder issue:
gcloud compute instances create calendar-retrainer \
--image-family=cos-89-lts \
--image-project=cos-cloud \
--machine-type=e2-medium-2 \
--scopes cloud-platform \ \
--zone us-central1-a \
gcloud builds submit . -t --timeout=9999
Run the container locally to test it
docker run --rm -v ~/.config/gcloud:/.config/gcloud -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json