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Bonus effects

noooway edited this page Apr 8, 2017 · 19 revisions

In this part I want to implement four bonus effects: acceleration-deceleration of the ball and increase-decrease of the platform size.

A bonus effect is applied when the player catches a falling bonus with the platform, i.e. on bonus-platform collision. So, in the first place, it is necessary to detect such types of collisions.

function collisions.resolve_collisions( ball, platform,
                                        walls, bricks, bonuses )
   collisions.platform_bonuses_collision( platform, bonuses, ball )       --(*1)

function collisions.platform_bonuses_collision( platform, bonuses, ball )
   local overlap
   local b = { x = platform.position.x,
               y = platform.position.y,
               width = platform.width,
               height = platform.height }
   for i, bonus in pairs( bonuses.current_level_bonuses ) do
      local a = { x = bonus.position.x - bonuses.radius,
                  y = bonus.position.y - bonuses.radius,
                  width = 2 * bonuses.radius,
                  height = 2 * bonuses.radius }      
      overlap = collisions.check_rectangles_overlap( a, b )
      if overlap then
         bonuses.bonus_collected( i, bonus, ball, platform )             --(*2)

(*1): A check for bonus-platform collisions is inserted along with the checks for other collisions.
(*2): A bonus-platform overlap is computed similarly to the platform-ball. If an overlap is detected, a function bonuses.bonus_collected that applies bonus effect is called.

Bonustypes from left to right: 11 - slowdown, 12 - glue, 13 - increase, 14 - new ball, 15 - accelerate, 16 - decrease, 17 - next level , 18 - new life.

To apply bonus effect, first it is necessary to determine the bonus type. The procedure is analogous to the determination of brick types on ball-brick collisions. Slowdown and accelerate are 11 and 15, increase and decrease are 13 and 16. The bonus has to be removed from the game after it's effect is applied.

function bonuses.bonus_collected( i, bonus, ball, platform )
   if bonuses.is_slowdown( bonus ) then
   elseif bonuses.is_accelerate( bonus ) then
   elseif bonuses.is_increase( bonus ) then
   elseif bonuses.is_decrease( bonus ) then
   table.remove( bonuses.current_level_bonuses, i )           --(*1)

function bonuses.is_slowdown( single_bonus )
   local col = single_bonus.bonustype % 10
   return ( col == 1 )

function bonuses.is_accelerate( single_bonus )
   local col = single_bonus.bonustype % 10
   return ( col == 5 )

function bonuses.is_increase( single_bonus )
   local col = single_bonus.bonustype % 10
   return ( col == 3 )

function bonuses.is_decrease( single_bonus )
   local col = single_bonus.bonustype % 10
   return ( col == 6 )

(*1): Remove the bonus from the game.

To accelerate or decelerate the ball, appropriate functions in the ball table are defined. To call them, bonuses.bonus_collected needs an access to the ball table. For this reason, it becomes necessary to pass the ball table as an argument all the way down from the collisions.platform_bonuses_collision to bonuses.bonus_collected( i, bonus, ball, platform ).

function bonuses.bonus_collected( i, bonus, ball, platform )
   if bonuses.is_slowdown( bonus ) then
   elseif bonuses.is_accelerate( bonus ) then

function ball.react_on_slow_down_bonus()
   local slowdown = 0.7
   ball.speed = ball.speed * slowdown         --(*1)

function ball.react_on_accelerate_bonus()
   local accelerate = 1.3
   ball.speed = ball.speed * accelerate       --(*1)

(*1): Acceleration or deceleration of the ball changes it's speed. The actual way it is done can be adjusted; I simply scale it by some constant.

To implement the platform increase-decrease effects, it is also necessary to put calls to the appropriate functions from the platform table into the bonuses.bonus_collected.

function bonuses.bonus_collected( i, bonus, ball, platform )
   elseif bonuses.is_increase( bonus ) then
   elseif bonuses.is_decrease( bonus ) then
   table.remove( bonuses.current_level_bonuses, i )

Their actual implementation is a bit more complicated than ball acceleration and deceleration. To change the platform size, it is necessary to change it's width and a tile that represents it. There are three sizes of the platform: "small", "norm", and "large". The "increase" bonus can enlarge the platform size from "norm" to "large" or from "small" to "norm"; it has no effect, if the platform is "large" already. The "decrease" bonus works in a similar fashion.

platform.width = platform.norm_tile_width
platform.height = platform.norm_tile_height
platform.size = "norm"                      --(*1)

function platform.react_on_increase_bonus()
   if platform.size == "small" then
      platform.width = platform.norm_tile_width
      platform.height = platform.norm_tile_height
      platform.quad =
         platform.norm_tile_x_pos, platform.norm_tile_y_pos,
         platform.norm_tile_width, platform.norm_tile_height,
         platform.tileset_width, platform.tileset_height )
      platform.size = "norm"
   elseif platform.size == "norm" then
      platform.width = platform.large_tile_width
      platform.height = platform.large_tile_height
      platform.quad =
         platform.large_tile_x_pos, platform.large_tile_y_pos,
         platform.large_tile_width, platform.large_tile_height,
         platform.tileset_width, platform.tileset_height )
      platform.size = "large"

function platform.react_on_decrease_bonus()
   if platform.size == "norm" then
      platform.width = platform.small_tile_width
      platform.height = platform.small_tile_height
      platform.quad =
         platform.small_tile_x_pos, platform.small_tile_y_pos,
         platform.small_tile_width, platform.small_tile_height,
         platform.tileset_width, platform.tileset_height )
      platform.size = "small"
   elseif platform.size == "large" then
      platform.width = platform.norm_tile_width
      platform.height = platform.norm_tile_height
      platform.quad =
         platform.norm_tile_x_pos, platform.norm_tile_y_pos,
         platform.norm_tile_width, platform.norm_tile_height,
         platform.tileset_width, platform.tileset_height )
      platform.size = "norm"     

(*1): platform current size has to be kept as an additional field inside the platform table.

When the platform size changes, it also might be possible to change the "sphere radius" parameter used for platform-ball collision resolution. But it seems to work fine without any adjustments, so I won't make any changes to it.

function ball.bounce_from_sphere( shift_ball, platform )
   if actual_shift.y ~= 0 then
      local sphere_radius = 200
      local normal_direction = vector( separation.x / sphere_radius, -1 )

If the next level is reached or the ball is lost, it is necessary to reset the platform size to normal.

function game.enter( prev_state, ... )
   if args and args.current_level then

function game.check_no_more_balls( ball, lives_display )
   if ball.escaped_screen then

function platform.reset_size_to_norm()
   platform.width = platform.norm_tile_width
   platform.height = platform.norm_tile_height
   platform.quad =
      platform.norm_tile_x_pos, platform.norm_tile_y_pos,
      platform.norm_tile_width, platform.norm_tile_height,
      platform.tileset_width, platform.tileset_height )
   platform.size = "norm"   


Chapter 1: Prototype

  1. The Ball, The Brick, The Platform
  2. Game Objects as Lua Tables
  3. Bricks and Walls
  4. Detecting Collisions
  5. Resolving Collisions
  6. Levels

    Appendix A: Storing Levels as Strings
    Appendix B: Optimized Collision Detection (draft)

Chapter 2: General Code Structure

  1. Splitting Code into Several Files
  2. Loading Levels from Files
  3. Straightforward Gamestates
  4. Advanced Gamestates
  5. Basic Tiles
  6. Different Brick Types
  7. Basic Sound
  8. Game Over

    Appendix C: Stricter Modules (draft)
    Appendix D-1: Intro to Classes (draft)
    Appendix D-2: Chapter 2 Using Classes.

Chapter 3 (deprecated): Details

  1. Improved Ball Rebounds
  2. Ball Launch From Platform (Two Objects Moving Together)
  3. Mouse Controls
  4. Spawning Bonuses
  5. Bonus Effects
  6. Glue Bonus
  7. Add New Ball Bonus
  8. Life and Next Level Bonuses
  9. Random Bonuses
  10. Menu Buttons
  11. Wall Tiles
  12. Side Panel
  13. Score
  14. Fonts
  15. More Sounds
  16. Final Screen
  17. Packaging

    Appendix D: GUI Layouts
    Appendix E: Love-release and Love.js

Beyond Programming:

  1. Game Design
  2. Minimal Marketing (draft)
  3. Finding a Team (draft)


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