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WX3.1 and C 11 migration

Pavel Kalian edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 33 revisions

Migration to wxWidgets 3.1.1 (or newer) and C++ 11 for O5

  • ALL the plugins will have to be rebuilt on platforms where we switch to wx3.1, but not many need major changes to be buildable (So far only weatherfax comes to mind as being problematic because of the obsolete libaudiofile version it contains)
  • Do not forget git submodule init && git submodule update with wxWidgets


  • C++11 should not be a problem at all
  • There is no problem to switch to wx3.1 for snap (and flatpack), which seems to be supported on current versions of all major distros.
  • There is a problem to switch to wx3.1 for normal packages on major distros. As big that we must retain wx3.0 compatibility


VS 2017

  • The toolchain changes to v141_xp
  • The buildwin dependency pack has to be completely rebuilt
  • Because we need to retain XP compatibility, we can't use prebuilt wxwin
  • The XP compatible SDK must be selected for installation with VS2017


mkdir build-release
cd build-release
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -Tv141_xp ..
cmake --build . --config release
cmake --build . --config debug


cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -Tv141_xp ..
cmake --build . --config release
cmake --build . --config debug

Buildwin rebuild

  • zlib (1.2.11) Get from
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:/work/deps -Tv141_xp ..
    cmake --build . --config release --target install
    Get the headers, zlib.lib and zlib.dll, replace the thing in buildwin, fix CMakeLists.txt in grib_pi TODO: remove the headers from O tree and adjust CMakeLists.txt
  • openssl (1.1.0g) TODO: Needed for something? We build cURL with WinSSL now Needs perl
    perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=c:\work\deps
    Edit makefile, add -D_USING_V141_SDK71_ to CFLAG
    nmake install
    Installation ends with an error, but c:\work\deps is already populated with the development stuff we need
  • cairo (Using modified - It is a real adventure...)
    • fontconfig
    • iconv
    • libpng
    • libxml2
    • pixman
    • cairo
    • openssl
    • zlib
  • cURL (7.58.0) TODO: We need openssl for libwebsockets, switch SSL lib back to it? Get from
    mkdir build
    cd build
    //cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=c:/work/deps -DZLIB_ROOT=C:/work/zlib-1.2.11 -T v141_xp ..
    cmake -DCMAKE_USE_WINSSL=ON -DZLIB_ROOT=C:/work/deps -DENABLE_INET_PTON=OFF -T v141_xp ..
    cmake --build . --config release
    Get the headers, .lib and .dll
  • liblzma (xzutils 5.2.3) Open windows\xz_win.sln, convert, change the toolchain to v141_xp, build Release version of liblzma_dll
  • libarchive
    • TODO: bzip2? (It is "hard" to build it on Windows from the upstream distribution)
    mkdir build-release
    cd build-release
    cmake -DWINDOWS_VERSION=WINXP -DENABLE_CNG=OFF -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/work/OpenCPN/buildwin/include -DZLIB_LIBRARY=C:/work/OpenCPN/buildwin/zlib1.lib -DLIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/work/OpenCPN/buildwin/include -DLIBLZMA_LIBRARY=C:/work/OpenCPN/buildwin/liblzma.lib -Tv141_xp ..

Edit CMakeCache.txt and set ARCHIVE_CRYPTO_SHA[256,384,512]_WIN to FALSE to build.

cmake ..
cmake --build . --config release
  • expat

  • crashrpt

  • ocpn_gltest1.exe

  • wx

  • VC redist libs

  • portaudio (some plugins)

  • libwebsockets (SignalK)

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -Tv141_xp -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=c:\work\deps -DZLIB_ROOT_DIR=c:\work\deps -DLWS_ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS=c:\work\deps\include -DLWS_ZLIB_LIBRARIES=c:\work\deps\lib\zlib.lib ..
    cmake --build . --config release

    TODO: But it builds with internal zlib anyway...


Apple pushes to move the least supported version to 10.9, but it seems 10.7 support is still not impossible.

Building wxWidgets

Local developer builds

Against wxmac from Homebrew installed with brew install wxmac --HEAD (brew install wxmac --devel once it is wx3.1.1)

Production builds

Have to still retain the 10.7 compatibility and need

mkdir build-release
cd build-release
../configure --with-cxx=11 --with-macosx-version-min=10.7 --enable-unicode --with-osx-cocoa --enable-aui --disable-debug --with-opengl --without-liblzma --without-subdirs
make -j2
sudo make install

(Or switch to the cmake based build)

Building OpenCPN

Local developer builds


Production builds


To really support 10.7, libarchive and cairo must be built manually, not taken from Homebrew