Discorelic is an Elixir implementation of the NewRelic intrumentation PaaS. It's based on erlang newrelic, which basically has reversed engineering the python client, so its integration with NewRelic is not 100% perfect.
There are a few implementations out there written in Elixir to publish metrics in NewRelic. However, all of them are using either the NewRelic SDK client, which wasn't very easy to work with, or requiring libraries that are not always required for all projects, like Plug
or Ecto
, as new-relixir
is doing.
The aim of this project it to create a library that contains the minimal dependencies and has a consistent way to interact with NewRelic transactions.
- Add discorelic to your list of dependencies in
: ```elixir
def deps do
[ { :discorelic, "~> 0.0.1", github: "nogates/discorelic" } ]
- Ensure discorelic is started before your application:
def application do
[ applications: [ :discorelic ] ]
- Set up your application name and license key in your
config :discorelic,
application_name: "MyAwesomeApplication",
license_key: System.get_env("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY")
Discorelic uses Elixir's macros in order to provide an easy way to record transactions. Currently it supports:
- Web transactions / total time:
# Basic module transaction
defmodule MyModule do
import Discorelic.Tracker
def request_with_tracking do
record_transaction! "my_request" do
Web transactions / Module segments:
# Basic module transaction defmodule MyModule do import Discorelic.Tracker def request_with_tracking do record_transaction! "my_request" do record_transaction! { User, "user_login" } do User.login end record_transaction! { Request, "Http request" } do Request.my_request end end end end
Manually handle async transactions
defmodule AsyncTask do alias Discorelic.Tracker def call(pid) do # Create a transaction transaction = Tracker.init_transaction "Async Transaction" # Initialise a task process with the transaction task_pid = Task.start_link(fn -> loop(transaction) end) # Call an external pid process, which will notify the running task at some point GenServer.cast(pid, { :async_event, task_pid }) end def loop(%Discorelic.Transaction{} = transaction) do receive do # the process has completed the first step, record a time set for the module # and continue the loop { :step_1, _pid } -> Tracker.record(transaction, { AsyncTask, "step 1" }) |> loop # You can also provide a transaction segment to this record function :wait -> transaction_segment = Tracker.init_transaction_segment { AsyncTask, "wait" } :timer.sleep 5_000 Tracker.record(transaction, transaction_segment) |> loop # the process has finished. record the transaction :finish -> { :ok, _transaction } = Tracker.publish(transaction) end end end
- Publish this to hex
Please see LICENSE