* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.22 (Timothy J Fontaine)
* buffer: allow toString to accept Infinity for end (Brian White)
* child_process: add spawnSync/execSync (Bert Belder, Timothy J Fontaine)
* cluster: handle bind errors on Windows (Alexis Campailla)
* contextify: handle infinite recursion errors (Fedor Indutny)
* crypto: allow custom generator for DiffieHellman (Brian White)
* crypto: allow setting add'l authenticated data (Brian White)
* crypto: fix CipherFinal return value check (Brian White)
* crypto: make NewSessionDoneCb public (Fedor Indutny)
* dgram: pass the bytes sent to the send callback (Timothy J Fontaine)
* dns: validate arguments in resolver (Kenan Sulayman)
* dns: verify argument is valid function in resolve (Kenan Sulayman)
* http: avoid duplicate keys in writeHead (David Björklund)
* net: add localPort to connect options (Timothy J Fontaine)
* node: do not print SyntaxError hints to stderr (Fedor Indutny)
* node: invoke `beforeExit` again if loop was active (Fedor Indutny)
* node: make AsyncListenerInst field more explicit (Trevor Norris)
* os: networkInterfaces include scopeid for ipv6 (Xidorn Quan)
* process: allow changing `exitCode` in `on('exit')` (Fedor Indutny)
* readline: fix `line` event, if input emit 'end' (Yazhong Liu)
* src: add tracing.v8.on('gc') statistics hooks (Ben Noordhuis)
* src: add v8.getHeapStatistics() function (Ben Noordhuis)
* src: emit 'beforeExit' event on process object (Ben Noordhuis)
* src: move AsyncListener from process to tracing (Trevor Norris)
* tls: fix crash in SNICallback (Fedor Indutny)
* tls: introduce asynchronous `newSession` (Fedor Indutny)
* util: show meaningful values for boxed primitives (Nathan Rajlich)
* vm: don't copy Proxy object from parent context (Ben Noordhuis)
* windows: make stdout/sterr pipes blocking (Alexis Campailla)
* zlib: add sync versions for convenience methods (Nikolai Vavilov)