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Updating versions

Peter Petrov edited this page Jun 1, 2015 · 4 revisions

HOWTO: Updating the Docker image when a new io.js version is released

  1. Update branches

    (if only the PATCH SemVer number has changed, skip this step)

    When there is a change to the MAJOR or MINOR SemVer numbers, we must create a new version branch. To do this, just copy the latest branch directory (e.g. 1.0/) under a new name (e.g. 1.1/):

     cp -r 1.0 1.1

    Then, update the aliases mapping in, e.g:

     declare -A aliases
             [1.1]='1 latest'

    Also, here you can delete any branch directories which are now too old to be supported. (Q: Do we have a deprecation policy?)

  2. Update version

    We have a script -, which automates this step. It will fetch the available released versions from and update the version numbers in the specified branch(es) (for example, replacing occurences of 1.0.3 with 1.0.4 in the proper places):

     ./ 1.0
  3. Test

    Review the changes manually, and perform simple tests to make sure nothing obvious was broken. Example:

     cd 1.0/
     sudo docker build -t iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION} .
     sudo docker build -t iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-onbuild ./onbuild/
     sudo docker build -t iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-slim ./slim/
     sudo docker run --rm -it iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION} iojs --version
     sudo docker run --rm -it iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-onbuild iojs --version
     sudo docker run --rm -it iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-slim iojs --version
     sudo docker rmi iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-slim iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}-onbuild iojs:${IOJS_TEST_VERSION}
     cd ../
  4. Commit & create pull request (merge it right away if you are a collabolator)

  5. Update docker library (after the PR from the previous step has been merged)

    We have a script to help with that too, Assuming you have a fork of docker-library/official-images cloned as a sibling to this repository:

     ./ > ../official-images/library/iojs 

    ...and send the changes to docker-library/official-images as a PR.

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