This Rice is intended for personal use. It is currently at a very early stage of development. Use it only when you know what you're doing.
- Hyprland > v0.36
- Rofi (wayland fork)
- Hyprlock
- Hypridle
- Elkowars weacky widgets
- Swww
- Kitty
- Firefox
- Kvantum
- qt6ct/qt5ct
- Network Manager
- Swaync
- FiraCode Nerd Font
- Better Discord (optional)
- Amixer
- Brightnessctl
Working on Automated installation... Currently you can just copy the folders :)
Clone this repo in a appropiate directory (maybe make a speperate directory for clones)
git clone
- Copy the Wallpaper folder in your 'Pictures' directory
- Copy the contents of .config/sddm folder in the /usr/share/sddm/themes directory, and edit the /etc/sddm.conf file to include:
Please check if you have all dependecies for the theme
- Copy the chrome folder from .config/firefoxcss in the $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/.default-release/ directory and activate firefox userChrome.css
- Copy the Rest of the .config folder in your own .config directory
- Open kvantum and install the folder .config/kvantum/MonochromeSolid. (it's a modiefied theme to work well with the rest of the desktop.)
- In the qt6ct/qt5ct change the style to kvantum.
- For the GTK Theme you can use whatever you want (I use Andromeda), install it with nwg-looks.
- Reboot.
The dotfiles are a mess :D.
Don't expect too much, I don't have much time.
Ah and some things don't work.
- The startup apps are located in .config/globalscripts/ You can just append your own.
- The keybindings to open apps are in .config/hypr/hyprland.conf
To launch a app press WIN+R to open rofi or just press WIN key to open the side panel where some favorite apps are located.
- To add a new Wallpaper put a .png in Pictures/Wallpapers and in the side panel press the image icon to cicle through the Wallpapers.
If there's something you don't like or you have something to criticise open an issue, I will make improvements if possible but I will not handle pull requests.
F: Why is it called Aurora
A: Starfield drug (don't ask)