A web UI tool of the gofs.
The first need Go and Node installed, then you can use
the below command to install gofs-webui
$ scripts\build.bat
$ chmod +x ./scripts/build.sh && ./scripts/build.sh
You can use the build-docker.sh script to build the docker image and you should clone this
repository and cd
to the root path of the repository first.
$ chmod +x ./scripts/build-docker.sh && ./scripts/build-docker.sh
Or pull the docker image directly from DockerHub with the command below.
$ docker pull nosrc/gofs-webui
For more scripts about release and docker, please see the scripts directory.
$ gofs-webui.exe
$ ./gofs-webui
$ docker run -it --rm --name running-gofs-webui -p 9097:9097 nosrc/gofs-webui:latest gofs-webui
When you generate the configuration file gofs.json
using gofs-webui
and have
installed gofs, you can use the following command to run gofs
synchronize your files.
$ gofs -conf=./gofs.json