Iterative Proportional fitting technique to create sample weights such that data is representative of the target dataset or distributions. In statistics, a sample statistic would be biased if sample is not representative of the "population". In ML/AB context, impact of an treatment in an experiment (treatment vs control) or impact of an attribute in an "explainable" model would be biased/incorrect if the distribution of the sample on features is not accurate.
Often with a design of experiments, the effect of a treatment (vs control) could be measured using randomised control trails. However, it might not always be feasible to divide traffic/users/devices/entities in this manner.
The outcome/target/metric could be driven by treatment vs control differences. Besides this, there could be other dimensions which could affect the outcome - exogenous effect variables
In some cases there might be "endogenous / confounder variables".
In such instances, one coule follow a few matching/propensity-scoring techniques such that, the effect of treatment vs difference can be measured, " after accounting for the exogenous effect and endogenous confounder variables/dimensions.
For many linear problems, the econometric modeling methods such as ANOVA/ANCOVA can be used [linear models] . Or more advancements in recent decade, such as counter factual techniques, conditional average treatment effect (CATE) methods could be applied.
In your armour of techniques, add iterative proportional fitting method too.
- It is simple, efficient, can be used to match unconventional distributions.
- It can be used to match non-parameteric, discretised distributions of features in the sample.
- You may not know the joint distribution of the features. You can try IPF to match "marginal distributions".
- Note that there might not be a "feasible set" of weights in some scenarios.
- For example, assume there are two dimensions which are negatively correlated (~very high).
- But user provides target distributions for dimension 1 and 2 such that they seem to be highly +vely correlated.
- A "feasible set" of weights might not exist. Or the weights could be highly skewed, that a few rows in the data have very large weight and most of the rows have very small (close to zero) weight.
- So chose targets wisely.
Below notebook does following:
Creates targets
Creates dummy sample
IPF class
- train weights
- compute standardized mean difference between target and simulated sample distributions [raw distributions]