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CS Projects

From my time at Aberystwyth University (2013 - Present)

Title Language
Year 1 Projects
Drown the Scurvy Dog Java
Students and Modules Java
SwingPaint Java
Keyboards And Mice
Spread And Die Java
Year 2 Projects
C and Unix ANSI C98
Hardware And Archetecture
Systems and Networks
Moddeling Persistant Data PostgreSQL
Line Following Arduino
Pioneer Robot
Ladybirds & Aphids C++ 11
Dijkstras Algorithm Java
Programming Paradigms
Year 3 Projects
Agile Processes
Developing Internet Applications Ruby
Machine Learning WEKA

Year 1

Drown the Scurvy Dog (CS124 Indivudual Project)

A Handhan Simulator in Java using swing. Guess what the pirate says and ye shaln't hav' ta walk the plank ta Davi Jones Locker. Brief is included.

Students And Modules

A beginners guide to serializing and deserializing XML and the idea of a "Java Bean". JSON is nicer though...


An introduction to swing, using it as a basic painting utility. dragging and dropping things is relatively easy. Used to experement with packages and event handlers (I miss you C#)

Keyboards and Mice

A writeup on the evolution and possible futures on computer interation and peripherals.

Spread and Die

A "Simple" turn-based game in java where the player has to outrun a spreading disease.

Year 2

C and Unix

A program to calculate positions of sightings of dolphins and porpoise in the Irish sea (and some times Birmingham...). Done in ANSI C98 (or the option of K&R C) on the Gentoo Platform

Hardware and Archetecture

Design for a three bit greater than comparitor using logisim

Systems and Network Administration

A report on upgrading IT infrastructure and project management of the "University of Costal West Wales" (aka Aberystwyth)

Modelling Persistant Data

A task to normalise and implement a database from a sports-and-teams senario, using the Postgresql language

Line Following

A simple line following competition in which we were given two hours with part of the track and no time to prepare for the teal thing!

Pioneer Robot

A compariason between simulated and real robotics

Ladybirds and Aphids

A C++ program to simulate the interactions between Aphids and Ladybirds in an OOP design.

Dijkstras Algorithm

An implementation of dijkstras shortest path algorithm using a predetermined interface (ISnapper). Note: the code not in the package cs21120.assignment2.solution is a decompilation of the assignment handout jar CS22120-A2.jar as it did not include command line run points, so i added these in manually for ease of running in a debugger.

Programming Paradigms Writeup

A comparison of C, C++ and Java in the context of the previous 'Ladybirds and Aphids' assignment

Year 3

Agile Processes

A report exploring agile processes, including pair programming, refactoring and Cucumber

Developing Internet Applications

Two coursework pieces introducing and developing features in a ruby-on-rails project

Machine Learning

Two coursework pieces first introducing a few machine learning techniques (Bayse, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines), second training and evaluationg a classifier with a MNIST data set


From my time at Aberystwyth University






No releases published


No packages published