Pycnfg is a tool to execute Python-based configuration.
- Pure Python.
- Flexible.
It offers unified patten to create arbitrary Python objects pipeline-wise. That naturally allows to control all parameters via single file.
For details, please refer to Concepts.
pip install pycnfg
Development installation (tests and docs)
pip install pycnfg[dev]
docker run -it nizaevka/pycnfg
Pycnfg is tested on: Python 3.6+.
"""Configuration example to produce object."""
import pycnfg
class CustomProducer(pycnfg.Producer):
"""Specify custom methods to produce object."""
def __init__(self, objects, oid):
# Mandatory.
super().__init__(objects, oid)
def set(self, obj, key, val=42):
obj[key] = val
return obj
def print(self, obj, key='a'):
return obj
def method_id(self, obj, *args, **kwargs):
# Some logic..
return obj
# Configuration.
# Set `init` object state {'a': 7}.
# Set `producer` class CustomProducer.
# Set `steps` to execute.
CNFG = {
'section_1': {
'conf_1': {
'init': {'a': 7},
'producer': CustomProducer,
'steps': [
('set', {'key': 'b', 'val': 42}),
('print', {}),
('print', {'key': 'b'}),
('method_id', {}),
# 'conf_2': {...}
# 'section_2': {...}
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Execute configuration(s) in priority.
objects =
# => 7
# => 42
# Storage for produced object(s).
# => {'a': 7, 'b': 42}
see docs for details ;)
Check examples folder.
Check also mlshell - a ML framework based on Pycnfg.
Apache License, Version 2.0 LICENSE.