This project contains API endpoints, database design for Issue Tracker.
- Total number of open issues - http://localhost:8080/get-all-open-tickets
- Number of open issues that were opened in the last 24 hours - http://localhost:8080/get-last-open-tickets/1
- Number of open issues that were opened more than 24 hours ago but less than 7 days ago - http://localhost:8080/get-last-open-between-dates/1/7
- Number of open issues that were opened more than 7 days ago - http://localhost:8080/get-opened-after-n-days/7
- Programming Language - Java 8
- Framework - Spring Boot
- Database - Cassandra
- API Documentation - Swagger
- Other Libraries - Lombok to reduce boiler plate code
CREATE KEYSPACE issue_tracker WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;
CREATE TABLE issue_tracker.issues ( issue_id text, issue_time text, description text, status text, PRIMARY KEY (issue_id, issue_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (issue_time ASC);
CREATE KEYSPACE issue_tracker WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true;
CREATE TABLE issue_tracker.issues ( issue_id text, issue_time text, description text, status text, PRIMARY KEY (issue_id, issue_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (issue_time ASC);
insert into issue_tracker.issues (issue_id , issue_time , description , status ) VALUES ('124', '2019-02-04 19:37', 'description 1', 'OPENED' );
insert into issue_tracker.issues (issue_id , issue_time , description , status ) VALUES ('124A', '2019-02-04 19:37', 'description 2', 'CLOSED' );
insert into issue_tracker.issues (issue_id , issue_time , description , status ) VALUES ('124B', '2019-02-03 19:37', 'description 3', 'OPENED' );
insert into issue_tracker.issues (issue_id , issue_time , description , status ) VALUES ('124C', '2019-01-017 19:37', 'description 4', 'OPENED' );
http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html ==>
Currently application could be accessed here -
- Total number of open issues -
- Number of open issues that were opened in the last 24 hours -
- Number of open issues that were opened more than 24 hours ago but less than 7 days ago -
- Number of open issues that were opened more than 7 days ago -
- Since I am using cassandra as a database, faced configuration problem while deploying in AWS. Hence, I have created one more repo -, where data are hardcoded as a replica of cassandra data.
- Since I have not worked on front end technologies, hence I am using swagger libraries to display JSON response data instead of html, which could be access here http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html ==>
- Make use of Enums instead of String in the model for tracking STATUS.
- Cover test cases for all methods written so far.