Used statistical analysis in R to answer the question: Can Septic Arthritis and Gout be differentiated based on their transcriptional levels in blood? Grade: B1
Input Required for code:
- Expression Table with sample names as column names and gene IDs as row names
- Sample Metadata
- Annotations table
- Differential Tables between two conditions (generated for one comparison, 2 were given)
What the code does:
- Draw histograms to compare expression profiles of each sample type (Healthy, Gout, SA)
- Performs t-tests to see if any of the variables in the metadata has a significant impact
- Plots variation of variables from metadata
- Makes a differential expression table from scratch for Septic Arthritis vs Gout and adjusts for large no of tests
- Find the significant genes from each comparison
- Plots the expression of any chosen gene across three samples (and by the metadata)
- Makes a generalised linear model for the gene and plots it
- PCA analysis of the data
- Hypergeometric test to see if SA and gout have more genes in common than expected