Recently, for few-shot or even zero-shot learning, the new paradigm “pre-train, prompt, and predict” has achieved remarkable achievements compared with the “pre-train, fine-tune” paradigm. A series of small language models (e.g., BERT, ALBERT, RoBERTa) based on Masked Language Model (MLM) pre-training tasks became popular and widely used. However, another efficient and powerful pre-trained language model, ELECTRA, has probably been neglected. This paper attempts to accomplish several NLP tasks in the zero-shot scenario using a sample-efficient ELECTRA original pre-training task—Replaced Token Detection (RTD). Through extensive experiments on 15 various NLP datasets, we find that ELECTRA performs surprisingly well as a zero-shot learner, which proves the ELECTRA model has more potential to be stimulated.
bert4keras>=0.10.8, tensorflow = 1.15.0, keras = 2.3.1;
Our code is based on Jianlin Su's bert4keras and Sun Yi's NSP-BERT. Thank you for your open source spirit!
title={ELECTRA is a Zero-Shot Learner, Too},
author={Ni, Shiwen and Kao, Hung-Yu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.08141},