The project is a boilerplate application in Golang and has commonly used API examples built into it. Out of the box support for authentication, account management and a host of other features for your next hackathon or side project.
When I first started out with Go, I found tons of comments online saying - just use the standard library! Now Go's standard library is one of the best one's I've seen, but it doesn't give all you need to build a full fledged web application. I tried to use go for many of side projects and found myself repeating some of the most common things like authentication, user management, lack of generators for CRUD applications etc. This project is heavily inspired by hackathon starter which is based on nodejs and express. Being a developer with both nodejs and Go experience, I found this missing in the Go ecosystem. This project is a step towards that direction. The focus of the project is to optimize developer speed and keep everything clean and reusable as much as possible.
Live Demo:
Slack: #go-hackathon-starter invite
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Getting Started
- Obtaining API Keys
- Project Structure
- Recommended Go Libraries
You will need to clone the project and run following commands -
# cd into project directory
cd ~/go/src/<username>/
# clone the code
git clone [email protected]:niranjan92/go-hackathon-starter
cd go-hackathon-starter
you need to do steps given below manually in the project directory
# install dependencies
npm install
## MANUAL - find and replace imports with your directory
## eg. import "" needs to be replaced with
## import "<your_username>/go-hackathon-starter"
# The first thing you need to do is open up the "database.yml" file and edit it
# to use the correct usernames, passwords, hosts, etc... that are appropriate for
# your environment. then create database
buffalo db create -a
# run migrations
buffalo db migrate
once script has completed start the server using - buffalo dev
If you point your browser to you should see a "Welcome to Go Hackathon Starter!" page.
Github Facebook Twitter Google
Project follows MVC architecture
- gobuffalo
- goth
- testify
- delve
Unable to login/ start fails with .env file not found error
- You will have to set keys for github, facebook, twitter to get the login working for you.
- will be adding detailed instructions in Readme itself in next few days
New project build fails due to import failure
- this is because imports were not updated are are still using
- you should run
script that will find and replace all the dependencies with correct paths
Adding new authentication
Go is pretty fast and focus should be on adding new features quickly. But for those of you looking for benchmarks -
Tested with wrk
on home page and was able to run at ~370 requests per second with average latency of ~3 ms. This way more than
what a budding project needs. :)
Niranjans-MacBook-Air:hackathon-starter niranjan$ ~/go/bin/wrk -t1 -c1 -d20s http://localhost:3000
Running 20s test @ http://localhost:3000
1 threads and 1 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 3.02ms 2.86ms 48.97ms 92.86%
Req/Sec 375.58 97.42 554.00 65.00%
7493 requests in 20.05s, 33.95MB read
Requests/sec: 373.73
Transfer/sec: 1.69MB
The project comes with a default Dockerfile which lets you build and deploy your applications with ease on heroku. Reference You can also package the application as a static binary and deploy it using buffalo. Reference
Must DO:
- add screenshots
- add account linking
- FACEBOOK - show list of friends
- add profile pic / gravatar to profile age
- angular example with separate home page
- react example with separate home page
Good to do:
- add paypal test example
- fix highlighted part for selected tab in nav
- admin management console for users
- add a simpler way to configure db. maybe using docker compose
- increase coverage
- add examples for angular and react