django-gov-notify provides Django integration with the GOV.UK Notify service for sending emails and SMS messages. Python Client Documentation.
This is implemented as a custom Django email backend. It presents a similar internal API to standard Django email backends, but with some restrictions:
- GOV.UK Notify emails are sent to one recipient each. CC: and BCC: fields are not supported.
- A single email 'message' with multiple recipients will result in multiple individual API calls to GOV.UK Notify, each message being sent to a single recipient. The backend will still report back
, as per Django's default behaviour. - Attachments are not (at the moment) supported.
- Custom headers are not supported.
- To configure a 'reply-to' address, you must first configure such an address in the GOV.UK Notify admin interface.
- The 'from' address field is not supported. This must be configured within the GOV.UK Notify admin interface.
- Preformatted emails are expected to be configured in the service admin dashboard as Markdown templates with placeholders.
- The email body is interpreted as very limited Markdown. On testing, it seems that variables are not interpreted as markdown, or maybe mangled, e.g.
was emailed as*test*
django-gov-notify supports:
- Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12
- Django 4.2, 5.0 and 5.1
Using pip:
$ pip install django-gov-notify
Using Poetry
$ poetry add django-gov-notify
In your Django project's settings:
EMAIL_BACKEND = "django_gov_notify.backends.NotifyEmailBackend"
You will need at least one email template ID, with a plain template:
Subject: ((subject))
Body: ((body))
Set the Django settings:
This plain template ID setting, and template IDs passed to the NotifyEmailMessage class, use string representations of the UUID keys.
Configure the template in the GOV.UK Notify dashboard:
Subject: Message about ((topic))
Body: Hello ((first name)), your reference is ((ref number))
Create an email message, supplying the template ID and a personalisation
dictionary (this should also include any variables defined in the template subject):
from django_gov_notify.message import NotifyEmailMessage
message = NotifyEmailMessage(
to=["[email protected]"],
"topic": "The Prisoner",
"first name": "Patrick",
"ref number": "6",
Note that in this case a subject and body are not required, nor permitted, because the personalisation dict won't know how to do anything with them.
This assumes you have configured a blank template with the parameters
Subject: ((subject))
Body: ((body))
from django_gov_notify.message import NotifyEmailMessage
message = NotifyEmailMessage(
subject="Test subject", body="Test message content", to=["[email protected]"]
Note that in this case a subject and body are required, and you must not pass the template_id
or personalisation
Use it in the normal fashion, including a 'from' address that will be discarded:
from django.utils.mail import send_mail
send_mail("Subject", "Message content", "[email protected]", ["[email protected]"])
This will use the blank template ID configured as settings.GOVUK_NOTIFY_PLAIN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID
. Attachments, custom headers, and BCC recipients are not supported.
To work on this repository locally:
- install:
poetry install
- run tests:
poetry run python