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A github action for running dependabot on repositories using cake-build.

Table of Contents


The goal of this project is two-fold:

  • Enable users of dependabot to have a dependabot-like way to keep Cake dependencies up-to-date.
  • To keep the code for integrating Cake as a new ecosystem in dependabot up-to-date and tested.

To that end, I have forked the original PR into a custom repo where I try to keep the original code from dependabot-PR 1848 up-to-date and error-free.


Use the action in your workflow yaml by adding a step with uses: nils-org/dependabot-cake-action@v1.


- name: check/update cake references
  uses: nils-org/dependabot-cake-action@v1
    # Where to look for cake files to check for dependency upgrades.
    # The directory is relative to the repository's root.
    # Multiple paths can be provided by splitting them with a new line.
    # Example:
    #   directory: |
    #     /path/to/first/module
    #     /path/to/second/module
    # Default: "/"
    directory: ""

    # Branch to create pull requests against.
    # By default your repository's default branch is used.
    target_branch: ""

    # Auth token used to push the changes back to github and create the pull request with.
    # [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](
    # default: ${{ github.token }}
    token: ""

    # List of dependencies that will not be updated
    # Example:
    #   ignore: |
    #    Cake.7zip
    #    Cake.asciidoctorj
    # default: none
    ignore: ""


This not a real dependabot, so there are no "commands" to give (like @dependabot rebase and such). If you need to rebase the PR, you'll have to do that manually.

Full Example

Save the following content in you're repo under .github/workflows/dependabot-cake.yml

name: dependabot-cake
    # run everyday at 6
    - cron:  '0 6 * * *'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest # linux, because this is a docker-action
      - name: check/update cake dependencies
        uses: nils-org/[email protected]


The original code was developed for dependabot/dependabot-core#1848 (a PR for dependabot/dependabot-core#733): To have dependabot check cake-references.

Currently dependabot has postponed adding new ecosystems and sadly merging dependabot/dependabot-core#1848 might take some time.

Idea / Attribution

Most of this was shamelessly copied from

Running Locally

It is also possible to run this action locally:

  • Clone this repo

  • build the docker image

    cd src && docker build -t dependabot-cake:develop .

  • run the container and give the needed environment-vars

    docker run --rm -e DRY_RUN=1 -e GITHUB_REPOSITORY=nils-a/Cake.7zip -e INPUT_TARGET_BRANCH=develop -e INPUT_TOKEN=your-github-api-token dependabot-cake:develop

Cake targets

  • Build-Image Creates the image.
    • imageName=some-image-name to set the image name. Default: dependabot-cake
  • Run-Test Runs a container off the image locally. Settings:
    • --test-RepositoryName=owner/repo to set a repository. Default: nils-a/Cake.7zip
    • --test-RepositoryBranch=branch to set a branch. Default: develop
    • Environment variable INPUT_TOKEN must be set to a personal access token.
    • --test-folder=subfolder to set a folder to search. Can be given multiple times. Default: ["/"]
    • --test-no-dryrun if set, real PRs are created.
    • --test-ignore=Cake.7zip ignore a dependency. Can be given multiple times. Default: []


One alternative to dependabot is Renovate which fully supports Cake. See the post on for a sample integration.


Nils Andresen @nils-a.


We accept Pull Requests.

Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


  • Nils Andresen


MIT License © Nils Andresen