Restored linker LINK.COM from the Hi-Tech C compiler v3.09
With the participation of Mark Ogden, the source code was restored linker LINK.COM from the Hi-Tech C compiler v3.09. All functions and variables are assigned understandable names.
The source code can be compiled for CP/M using a Makefile. This requires the latest version of gnu make. To compile using gcc on linux or macOS operating systems, run the command
gcc -O2 -o link a.c b.c c.c ds.c e.c extra.c
as a result, the link executable file will be created.
To create a backup copy of the source files, run the command
make compress
and the link.huf archive file will be created. To extract the files in the archive, run the command
dehuff -x LINK.HUF
The source files for the dehuff and enhuff programs are available in the Tony Nicholson repository
For functions that cannot be optimized with the help of the OPTIM program.COM for CP/M, the optim program compiled from the restored source code is used
The dos2unix program is temporarily used to delete the contents from the ^Z character to the end of the assembly language file created by the CGEN.COM program for CP/M.
When will the source code of the programs be restored P1.COM and ZAS.COM there will be no need for the dos2unix program.
The dos2unix source code is also included in the archive file.
Added support for searching for the library and startup file. To use the search one of two environment variables need to be set.
LIBDIR80 - path of the library and startup files or CPMDIR80 - path of the root of the CPM files as per zxcc. The actual library is in a subdirectory lib80 below the path specified by CPMDIR80
As per zxcc, the LIBDIR80 path takes precedence. The search support is only provided for non CP/M builds and requires the additional extra.c file to be added to the build.
Mark Ogden for active participation in the restoration of the compiler source code.
Tony Nicholson for maintaining compiler information.
Andrey Nikitin 08.01.2022