Implementation of the paper: Multi-task Learning for Detecting and Segmenting Manipulated Facial Images and Videos (BTAS 2019).
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$ git clone
- PyTorch 1.0
- TorchVision
- scikit-learn
- Numpy
- tqdm
Datasets folder, where you can place your training, evaluation, and test set:
Checkpoint folder, where the training outputs will be stored:
Test image folder, where images are used for segmentation demonstration during training:
Pre-trained models with settings described in our paper are provided in the checkpoints folder.
Each dataset has two parts:
- Original images: ./datasets/<name>/<train;test;validation>/original
- Altered images: ./datasets/<name>/<train;test;validation>/altered
All datasets need to be pre-processed to crop facial areas and add segmentation maps. It could be done by using these scripts:
Note: Parameters with detail explanation could be found in the corresponding source code.
Note: Parameters with detail explanation could be found in the corresponding source code.
$ python --dataset datasets/face2face/source-to-target --train_set train --val_set validation --outf checkpoints/full --batchSize 64 --niter 100
Before doing finetuning, copy the best and checkpoints to checkpoints/finetune with x is the checkpoint number and rename them to and
Note: Parameters with detail explanation could be found in the corresponding source code.
$ python --dataset datasets/finetune --train_set train --val_set validation --outf checkpoints/finetune --batchSize 64 --niter 50
Note: Parameters with detail explanation could be found in the corresponding source code.
$ python --dataset <your test dataset> --test_set test --outf checkpoints --id <your selected id>
$ python --dataset <your test dataset> --test_set test --outf checkpoints --id <your selected id>
Beside testing on still images, the proposed method can be applied on videos. One recommendation is using OpenCV 3.4 with Caffe framework for face detection (Visit here for more information). Another option is using Dlib.
- Huy H. Nguyen (
- Fuming Fang (
- Junichi Yamagishi (
- Isao Echizen (
This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP16H06302, JP18H04120, and JST CREST Grant Number JPMJCR18A6, Japan.
H. H. Nguyen, F. Fang, J. Yamagishi, and I. Echizen, “Multi-task Learning for Detecting and Segmenting Manipulated Facial Images and Videos,” Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), 8 pages, (September 2019)