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  • 🎉 2024-08-18: All datasets have been uploaded to the Hugging Face Datasets Hub. You can find them in Coldog2333/JMedBench.


Supported environment

  • Python=3.9
  • Nvidia Driver >= 450.80.02* (for pytorch compiled with cuda11.7)
  • Git LFS installed

Clone this repository

git clone
cd med-eval



We recommend the following installation command for PyTorch since we only verify our codes with PyTorch 1.13.1 + CUDA 11.7. You can find more information on the official website.

pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url


pip install -r requirements.txt

Downloading datasets

# git lfs install # Make sure you have git-lfs installed (
git clone
  • Note: You need to change the setting in when you change the download path of JMedBench, if you want to use these datasets locally.


This is a submodule in the JMed-LLM repository, with a similar but more flexible framework as lm-evaluation-harness.

lm-evaluation-harness is a widely used library for evaluating language models, especially on Multi-Choice Question Answering (MCQA) tasks, by computing conditional log-likelihoods for each option. However, it is not flexible enough to support the evaluation of models in many cases:

  1. When we want to evaluate one task with different templates (prompts), we need to modify the source codes for each task.
  2. When we want to evaluate on a local dataset, it is hard to define.
  3. The version we were using didn't support evaluation with multiple GPUs.

Considering these issues, we developed this submodule to support the evaluation of models in a more flexible way.

How to do evaluation on defined tasks?

Here is an example of how to evaluate a model on the MedMCQA task with the mcqa_with_options template.


BASE_PATH="/home/jiang/mainland/med-eval"   # Change this to your own path

N_NODE=${1:-1}                              # Number of GPUs for evaluation

model_name_or_path=${2:-"gpt2"}             # HF model name or checkpoint dir

task=${3:-"medmcqa"}                        # example: medmcqa / medmcqa,pubmedqa (evaluate multiple tasks at the same time)
template=${4:-"mcqa_with_options"}          # example: mcqa / mcqa_with_options,context_based_mcqa

torchrun --nproc_per_node=${N_GPU} \
         --master_port $MASTER_PORT \
          "${BASE_PATH}/" \
            --model_name_or_path ${model_name_or_path} \
            --task ${task} \
            --template_name ${template_name} \
            --batch_size ${batch_size} \
            --num_fewshot ${num_fewshot} \
            --seed ${seed} \
            --model_max_length ${model_max_length} \
            --truncate False

Quick evaluation on JMedBench

We also implemented several scripts to evaluate models various supported tasks. You can find them in the scripts/evaluation directory.

If you want to do evaluation on JMedBench, you can use the following one-line command:

bash scripts/evaluation/ ${model_name_or_path}

For example, if we want to evaluate Llama2-7B, we can use the following command:

bash scripts/evaluation/ "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf"

After the evaluation, you could collect the results from the standard output.


EvaluationPipeline is the core class in this submodule, which is used to evaluate models on different tasks. The pipeline consists of the following steps:

  1. Setup the environment, using single or multiple GPUs with PyTorch DDP.
  2. Load the model and tokenizer.
  3. Load the dataset in a specific format (list of dataclass: MCQASample).
  4. Based on the given template, prepare all the requests and compute losses.
  5. Collect the losses from all GPUs and compute the final metrics.
    • Since we use DDP, some requests will be computed for multiple times and the losses may not be the same due to the precision. Therefore, we average them as the final loss.


  • Inherit from the JMed-LLM repository

Tasks and prompt templates

Supported tasks

  1. MCQA tasks
    • medmcqa: MedMCQA
    • medmcqa_jp: MedMCQA-JP
    • usmleqa: USMLE-QA (4 Options)
    • usmleqa_jp: USMLE-QA-JP (4 Options)
    • medqa: Med-QA (5 Options)
    • medqa_jp: Med-QA-JP (5 Options)
    • pubmedqa: PubMedQA
    • pubmedqa_jp: PubMedQA-JP
    • igakuqa: IgakuQA (5-6 options)
    • igakuqa_en: IgakuQA-EN (5-6 options)
    • mmlu_medical: MMLU-Medical
      • Some medical-related subsets from MMLU.
    • mmlu_medical_jp: MMLU-Medical-JP
    • jmmlu: JMMLU
    • jmmlu_medical: JMMLU-Medical
  2. MT tasks
    • ejmmt: EJMMT (en->ja, ja->en)
  3. NER tasks
    • mrner_disease: MRNER-Disease from JMED-LLM
    • mrner_medicine: MRNER-Medicine from JMED-LLM
    • nrner: NRNER from JMED-LLM
    • bc2gm_jp: BC2GM from BLURB
    • bc5chem_jp: BC5Chem from BLURB
    • bc5disease_jp: BC5Disease from BLURB
    • jnlpba_jp: JNLPBA from BLURB
    • ncbi_disease_jp: NCBI-Disease from BLURB
  4. Document Classification
    • crade
    • rrtnm
    • smdis
  5. Semantic Text Similarity
    • jcsts: Japanese Clinical Semantic Text Similarity

Supported prompt templates

For each task, there are four prompt templates:

  • Minimal: Only display a question.
  • Standard: Display a question with a brief explanation in Japanese.
  • English Centric: standard with English explanation.
  • Instrcuted: Display a question with a detailed instruction in Japanese.
Task Minimal Standard English Centric Instrcuted
MCQA (except pubmedqa*) mcqa_minimal mcqa_with_options_jp mcqa_with_options 4o_mcqa_instructed_jp
MCQA (pubmedqa*) context_based_mcqa_minimal context_based_mcqa_jp context_based_mcqa context_based_mcqa_instructed_jp
MT (en-ja) mt_minimal english_japanese mt_english_centric_e2j mt_instructed_e2j
MT (ja-en) mt_minimal japanese_english mt_english_centric_j2e mt_instructed_j2e
NER minimal standard english-centric instructed
DC context_based_mcqa_minimal dc_with_options_jp dc_with_options dc_instructed_jp
STS sts_minimal sts_as_nli_jp sts_as_nli sts_instructed_jp

See template directory for details.
Other templates can be found in the templates module.

How to define a new task?

  1. Go to the tasks/ module.
  2. Define a function to load the dataset in a specific format.
    • output: Dict[str, List[MCQASample]]
    • MUST include "test" key. Optionally, you can include "train" keys for few-shot evaluation, or you could turn on use_fake_demo when running.



MCQA #Train #Test
MedMCQA (jp) 182,822 4,183
USMLE-QA (jp) 10,178 1,273
MedQA (jp) 10,178 1,273
MMLU-medical (jp) 45 1,871
JMMLU-medical (jp) 45* 1,271
IgakuQA 10,178* 989
PubMedQA (jp) 1,000 1,000
MT #Train #Test
EJMMT 80 2,400
NER #Train #Test
BC2GM (jp) 12,572 5,037
BC5Chem (jp) 4,562 4,801
BC5Disease (jp) 4,560 4,797
JNLPBA (jp) 18,607 4,260
NCBI-Disease (jp) 5,424 940
DC #Train #Test
CRaDE 8 92
RRTNM 11 89
SMDIS 16 84
STS #Train #Test
JCSTS 170 3,500


  • Summarization


If you find this code helpful for your research, please cite the following paper:

      title={JMedBench: A Benchmark for Evaluating Japanese Biomedical Large Language Models}, 
      author={Junfeng Jiang and Jiahao Huang and Akiko Aizawa},


Evaluation Pipeline for medical tasks.






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