#include "../src/s3c.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 3) {
puts("usage: ./usage <access_key_id> <access_key_secret> <region>"
" [endpoint] [bucket]");
return 0;
// Access keys and region configuration
s3cKeys keys = {
.access_key_id = argv[1], // S3 Access Key ID
.access_key_secret = argv[2], // S3 Secret Access Key
.region = argv[3], // Example: eu-west-1
.endpoint = NULL, // Endpoint URL is optional and defaults to
// the standard AWS form
// Set a sepcific endpoint if you want to use a custom S3-compatible service
if (argc > 4) {
keys.endpoint = argv[4]; // Example: <your-cf-id>.r2.cloudflarestorage.com
printf("setting endpoint to %s\n", keys.endpoint);
char* s3_bucket = "s3c-usage-example";
if (argc > 5) {
s3_bucket = argv[5];
// First, create the bucket
s3cReply* reply = s3c_create_bucket(&keys, s3_bucket);
// An error will be returned if the bucket already exists
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_create_bucket failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
} else {
printf("bucket %s created, http response code: %u\n",
s3_bucket, (unsigned)reply->http_resp_code);
// Always free the reply to prevent memory leaks. Each API call generates
// a new reply struct that must be managed
const char* object_key = "fruits.txt";
const char* content = "banana orange strawberry";
// Put object with key "fruits.txt"
// any such object within the bucket will be overwritten
reply = s3c_put_object(&keys, s3_bucket, object_key,
(const uint8_t*)content, strlen(content),
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_put_object failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
} else {
printf("object %s, http response code: %u\n",
object_key, (unsigned)reply->http_resp_code);
// Headers like "content-type" can be passed via a list struct.
// Passing headers is optional. "content-length" will be set automatically,
// likewise "x-amzn-acl" will be set to "private" when no such header is provided.
s3cHeader ct_header = { "content-type", "text/plain", NULL };
s3cHeader acl_header = { "x-amzn-acl", "bucket-owner-full-control", &ct_header };
reply = s3c_put_object(&keys, s3_bucket, object_key,
(const uint8_t*)content, strlen(content),
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_put_object with headers failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
// Get fruits.txt
reply = s3c_get_object(&keys, s3_bucket, object_key);
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_get_object failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
} else {
// If successful (error == NULL) reply->data points to the content
// of the requested object
// Note: reply->data is always terminated with an additional zero-byte
printf("content for %s fetched, content size: %u content: %s\n",
object_key, (unsigned)reply->data_size, (char*)reply->data);
// Print reply headers
puts("Reply headers:");
for (s3cHeader* h = reply->headers; h != NULL; h = h->next) {
printf("\t%s => %s\n", h->name, h->value);
// Freeing the reply object also frees the reply data and headers
// Delete fruits.txt
reply = s3c_delete_object(&keys, s3_bucket, object_key);
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_delete_object failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
} else {
printf("object %s deleted\n", object_key);
// Delete the bucket, this will fail if bucket is not empty
reply = s3c_delete_bucket(&keys, s3_bucket);
if (reply->error != NULL) {
printf("s3c_delete_bucket failed with error => %s\n", reply->error);
} else {
printf("bucket %s deleted\n", s3_bucket);
return 0;
compile with -lssl -lcrypto