Releases: nielsgl/conventional-changelog-emoji
Releases · nielsgl/conventional-changelog-emoji
Release 0.3.3
🐛 Bug Fixes
- core: add circleci integration (fe5c411)
- core: fix match without type (a3cfc68)
📝 Documentation
- common: add ci badge to README (8953a1c)
- common: update README badges (9f389c3)
- readme: add Greenkeeper badge (982a955)
- package: update dependencies (48417e9)
Release 0.3.1
🐛 Bug Fixes
- core: make emoji-bump executable (7829cce)
Release 0.3.0
📝 Documentation
- common: add gitmoji to example section (ae73cf3)
- common: add sections to README (394ecf5)
- common: badge for commits since release (80285e9)
- common: update badges (ce847ad)
❇️ Features
- core: add emoji-bump binary (e100375)
Release 0.2.0
📝 Documentation
- common: add github version badge (6dbd556)
❇️ Features
- common: test for minor bump with feature tagged commit (b99d1e3)
Release 0.1.1
💄 Styles
- core: prettier all the things (8578f8f)
📝 Documentation
- core: update README with awesome badges ❤️ (9e3882d)
Release 0.1.0
🐛 Bug Fixes
- build: resolve release-it NPM ENEEDAUTH error (916dd70)
- core: match commit by regex (ca8e7b4)
❇️ Features
- build: add bump script (556929c)
- build: add bump scripts (1830a34)
- core: add self as dependency for testing (ad9a349)
🔧 Configuration
- build: remove increment from release-it config (5388ea1)
Release 0.0.4
❇️ Features
- build: update release-it config to release to npm (a24c904)