A color trivia quiz game
Game can be found live here: https://color-game-1d4bf.web.app/
Storybook can be found live here: https://color-game-storybook.web.app/
The Color Game is sadly lacking color at the moment. Also, there are only 18 questions. Color and more questions are soon to come!
Create a game room by giving it a name then share it with friends. Start the game once everyone has joined. Pick the colors that are the answer to the prompt. Players get a point for every player that answers incorrectly so if all players are correct no points are given. For 2 players, 10 points wins the game or for 3-4 players 15 points wins the game.
A react app bundled with create-react-app and deployed with firebase. ChakraUI used for components and react-query used for fetching. Visual testing with Storybook and Chromatic. An MVP implmentation as game rules are enforced client side and cheating is possible from a mailicious actor but its just a game for fun :). I believe that cloud functions would be required to have a fully secure implementation with firestore rules but I'd have to think about it more and take a second stab at it.
Happy to discuss and have feedback!
With the firebase emulators installed (https://firebase.google.com/docs/rules/emulator-setup):
firebase emulators:start --only firestore
With yarn installed, the code can be bundled with:
yarn start
With node installed, populate the questions in the local emulator with:
node system/populateQuestions.js
Running storybook locally:
STORYBOOK_MOCK_API=true yarn storybook
- REACT_APP_MOCK_API or STORYBOOK_MOCK_API: Set to 'true' to use the mock API instead of the firebase API