A recipe searching application
Be ready with starter packing and setting.
*dist(distribution) - css, img
*src(source) - js, index.html
css, js in the dist and src directories are main to store imported code from another css and js -
Set up webpack and babel. *webpack, webpack-cli, webpack-dev-server, html-webpack-plugin (could be different setting like gulp)
*webpack.config.js and package.json set up to run webpack on a terminal.
*babel-core, babel-loader and babel-preset-env
*add babel moduel into webpack.config.js
*add preset code on .barbelrc
*babel-polyfill *add polyfill into entry of the webpack.config. -
Start building forkify app. *Architecture - MVC (model, controller, view)
Only Bacon, Pizza, Pasta recipes are available.