Garmin-Fetch is a GUI application built on top of the garminconnect python package to streamline the process of fetching activity data from Garmin Connect. Using a simple interface made using customtkinter, users can input their Garmin Connect credentials, specify a date range, and download their activity data with ease.
Note For the moment, this application is only available in French.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd garmin-fetch
- Set up a virtual environment (recommended)
This ensures that the project's dependencies are isolated from your system.
$ conda create -n myenv python=3.10
Activate the virtual environment:
$ conda activate myenv
- Install the required packages:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the project:
$ python src/
If you wish to create a standalone executable of the application, you can use PyInstaller. This will generate an executable specific to your operating system, making it easy to distribute and run the application without needing a separate Python environment.
- Install PyInstaller:
$ pip install pyinstaller
- Package the application:
pyinstaller --onefile --icon imgs/garmin-download.ico --name GarminFetch --windowed --add-data='assets/;assets/' --add-data <PATH_TO_CUSTOMTKINTER> src/
This will create a standalone executable in the dist
Note You have to manually include the customtkinter directory with the --add-data option of pyinstaller. The path of the customtkinter directory can be found using the command: `pip show customtkinter``