Reading Sunpower stats and putting them into Influx/Grafana
Followed some blog posts. Gruby's post below has an HAProxy config that you can run on an RPi plugged in to the management port to proxy requests to the RPi (on your network) to the PVS system.
- Gruby, Scott (2020 April 28). Monitoring a SunPower Solar System.
- Durrett, Brett (2023 March 20). Getting Administrator Access to SunPower PVS6 with no Ethernet Port.
Making a request to the device at http://<hostname>/cgi-bin/dl_cgi?Command=DeviceList
will return a JSON with the devices listed.
import requests
resp = requests.get(
params={"Command": "DeviceList"},
devices = {}
for dev in resp.json()["devices"]:
devices.setdefault(dev["DEVICE_TYPE"], []).append(dev)
I ran it locally with the dumbloop.ps1
PS script for a while, but cron on a computer that doesn't sleep on it's own is far more appropriate.
python -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# cron every minute
crontab -l 2>/dev/null;\
echo "*/1 * * * * cd $(pwd) && .venv/bin/python record-stats > /tmp/stats.out 2>/tmp/stats.err" \
) | crontab -
Stuff used to develop.
There are three DEVICE_TYPE
>>> list(devices.keys())
['PVS', 'Power Meter', 'Inverter']
In my case, there's 1 PVS (Photovoltaic System?), 2 Power Meters (one for generation, one for consumption?), and each panel has an inverter.
[{'DETAIL': 'detail',
'STATE': 'working',
'STATEDESCR': 'Working',
'SERIAL': 'ZT230123456789F0123',
'MODEL': 'PV Supervisor PVS6',
'HWVER': '6.03',
'SWVER': '2023.8, Build 61550',
'DATATIME': '2024,03,11,23,15,00',
'dl_err_count': '0',
'dl_comm_err': '430',
'dl_skipped_scans': '0',
'dl_scan_time': '1',
'dl_untransmitted': '513587',
'dl_uptime': '120405',
'dl_cpu_load': '0.54',
'dl_mem_used': '80296',
'dl_flash_avail': '72395',
'panid': 1280133860,
'CURTIME': '2024,03,11,23,19,00'}]
One has the subtype GROSS_PRODUCTION_SITE
, while the other is NET_CONSUMPTION_LOADSIDE
{'ISDETAIL': True,
'SERIAL': 'PVS6M23012345p',
'STATE': 'working',
'STATEDESCR': 'Working',
'MODEL': 'PVS6M0400p',
'DESCR': 'Power Meter PVS6M23012345p',
'DEVICE_TYPE': 'Power Meter',
'interface': 'mime',
'production_subtype_enum': 'GROSS_PRODUCTION_SITE',
'SWVER': '3000',
'PORT': '',
'DATATIME': '2024,03,11,23,19,00',
'ct_scl_fctr': '50',
'net_ltea_3phsum_kwh': '2202.9',
'p_3phsum_kw': '0.6804',
'q_3phsum_kvar': '0.5557',
's_3phsum_kva': '0.8947',
'tot_pf_rto': '0.7233',
'freq_hz': '60',
'i_a': '3.6434',
'v12_v': '245.5848',
'CAL0': '50',
'origin': 'data_logger',
'OPERATION': 'noop',
'CURTIME': '2024,03,11,23,19,01'}
At night, the
{'ISDETAIL': True,
'SERIAL': 'E00122334455667',
'STATE': 'working',
'STATEDESCR': 'Working',
'MODEL': 'AC_Module_Type_H',
'DESCR': 'Inverter E00122334455667',
'DEVICE_TYPE': 'Inverter',
'hw_version': '4407',
'interface': 'mime',
'module_serial': '',
'slave': 0,
'SWVER': '4.21.4',
'PORT': '',
'MOD_SN': '',
'NMPLT_SKU': '',
'DATATIME': '2024,03,11,23,18,42',
'ltea_3phsum_kwh': '89.4825',
'p_3phsum_kw': '0.0301',
'vln_3phavg_v': '244.79',
'i_3phsum_a': '0.12',
'p_mppt1_kw': '0.0305',
'v_mppt1_v': '36.7',
'i_mppt1_a': '0.83',
't_htsnk_degc': '23',
'freq_hz': '60',
'stat_ind': '0',
'origin': 'data_logger',
'OPERATION': 'noop',
'CURTIME': '2024,03,11,23,19,01'}