Get ready to launch into Full Site Editing with style. Credit goes to Trevor Robertson(CreativeLogic) and to Eddie Machado who created the Bones Theme, which provided the inspiration and original structure of this theme years ago.
- This theme uses the new theme.json setup, start here and setup your theme defualts.
- Hop over to variables.scss and match up your layout widths and colors etc.
- gdt-plugins in Functions.php is there to make some plugin installs faster, you can comment it out once you setup your theme, no reason to leave that in there for a live site unless you want to just leave in the REQUIRE ACF message when someone deactives it.
- Custom ACF blocks are registerd in gdt-gutenberg.php and managed in template-part/block/blockname
- Theme supports Toolset blocks and WP Stackable blocks.
- nothing...
- Gutenberg defualt blocks are pushing towards an "inner block inherit width" setting which is not what most 3rd party plugins are using so our block-dufualts.scss is complex to accomodate the best nesting of blocks I could manage.
- Theme has now been converted to use, for ease of setup. Config file is ready to use. Just edit the server -> External Server and update it to your dev URL. and you can get going.