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Nick Hodge edited this page Sep 20, 2013 · 3 revisions

Cursoring Data and Paging Timelines in BoxKite.Twitter

Twitter API References:

Example of Cursors in BoxKite.Twitter

long nextcursor = -1;
var listCount = 0;

	var lists3 = await session.GetMyListsUserIsMemberOf(screen_name: "shiftkey", cursor: nextcursor);
	if (lists3.twitterFaulted)
		// .. report error
	nextcursor = lists3.next_cursor;
	foreach (var lst in lists3.lists)
		// ... do something with lst
} while (nextcursor != 0);

Example of Paging in BoxKite.Twitter

        private async void GetSearchTimeLine_Backfill()
            long smallestid = 0;
            long largestid = 0;
            int backfillQuota = 200;
            int pagingSize = 50;

                var searchtl = await Session.SearchFor(searchtext:_currentSearchText, searchResponseType:SearchResultType.Mixed, count: pagingSize, max_id: smallestid);
                if (searchtl.OK)
                    smallestid = long.MaxValue;
					if (searchtl.Tweets.Count() < backfillQuota) backfillQuota = searchtl.Tweets.Count();
                    foreach (var tweet in searchtl.Tweets)
                        if (tweet.Id < smallestid) smallestid = tweet.Id;
                        if (tweet.Id > largestid) largestid = tweet.Id;
            } while (backfillQuota > 0);

This is sample code from TwitterConnectionSearch.cs

In this sample, we are gathering tweets that match a search query.