Small example for CXF/JAX-RS REST services.
Deployed on Heroku with Jetty runner and the Heroku Postgres addon as a backing RDBMS.
- Spring 4
- CXF 3
- Jackson
- JPA 2.1
- Hibernate 4
- Jetty 9
- Servlet 3.1
- SLF4J 1.7.7
- Jedis 2.5.1 (Redis client)
- Logback 1.1.2
- Guava
Set-up heroku tool belt and follow the basic instructions to deploy a java app:
heroku create git push heroku master
Example paths:
POST http://{heroku-instance} {"name":"Belgium"}
GET http://{heroku-instance}
GET http://{heroku-instance}
DELETE http://{heroku-instance}
Redis caching tests
GET http://{heroku-instance}
PUT http://{heroku-instance}