A collection of scripts used for comparative population genomics analyses of large microbial genome datasets. Many of the scripts are build uponITEP, which is a toolset for pangenome analysis.
Depending on the script:
git clone https://github.com/nyoungb2/pop_genome.git
To install this module, run the following commands:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Or just add the bin folder to your $PATH. This link provides more info on adding to your $PATH.
SCRIPT.pl -h
perldoc SCRIPT.pl
Scripts named as "ITEP_*" require ITEP (or files produced by ITEP) to run.
- Convert the ITEP geneInfo table to a gff3 file:
- ITEP_geneInfo2gff.pl
- Get info on how far apart genes are on each genome
- ITEP_geneInfo2scaffoldDist.pl
- For draft genes: get the distance of a gene to a contig end (helps for finding artificial gene trucations)
- ITEP_geneInfoDist2ContigEnd.pl
- Make a ITOL compatible metadata table of gene copies per taxon-gene_cluster
- ITEP_geneInfo2ITOL.pl
- My own alignment and phylogeny inference pipeline to use with ITEP
- ITEP_align-tree.pl
- Add COG info to a table containing PED IDs (eg., the geneInfo table)
- ITEP_clusterAddCOG.pl
These scripts provide convenient methods for using many population genomics software on large datasets.
Many of these were used for the analysis in: 'N.D. Youngblut, J.S. Wirth, J.R. Henriksen , W.W. Metcalf, R.J. Whitaker Genomic and phenotypic differentiation among Methanosarcina mazei populations from Columbia River sediment, in prep'
- arlecore_Fst_batch.pl
- seqID_byPop.pl
- SNAP_batch.pl
- Mowgli_batch.pl
Parsing output from the Quartet Decomposition Server
- quartetDecomp_byPop.pl
- quartetDecomp_distCut.pl
- ranger-dtl_parse.pl
- ranger-dtl_parse_ITOL.pl
- rdtl-db_*
- circos_featDensity.pl
Copyright (C) 2013 Nick Youngblut
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See Lhttp://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.