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Deploy and consume artifacts from a private GitLab repository, using username/password configuration for token-type/token headers.


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Enables Clojure Leiningen projects to deploy and consume artifacts in private GitLab maven repositories.

Current version: Clojars Project



GitLab supports private maven repositories. To authenticate to these you must supply a HTTP header in each repository request as documented on the GitLab site.

The header specifies either a Private-Token and user token value or Job-Token and a token provided by the GitLab CI/CD process.

Maven based projects using the standard HTTP wagon can provide this authentication by configuring HTTP headers for setting tokens, rather than username password.

However Clojure projects using Leiningen cannot configure HTTP headers for repository authentication. Repository authentication accepts only username, password and passphrase and uses this to set standard HTTP Authentication.


The lein-gitlab-wagon is a wrapper around the standard HTTP wagon. It will accept a configured username and password but treat them as token type ("http header name") and token value ("http header value").


Leiningen 2.x

Add the plugin to your project.clj.

:plugins [[nicheware/lein-gitlab-wagon "1.0.0"]]

When configuring you GitLab maven repository in the project.clj, you can specify the GitLab token type (Private-Token or Job-Token) using :username.

You can specify the token value (Personal token or CI/CD token) using :password.

:username and :password are defined using any of the standard Leiningen authentication configuration techniques.

In order to trigger the use of this repository wagon you need to replace the https: scheme in your GitLab URL with gitlab:. At execution time, the wagon will still use https to communicate with the repository.

Store credentials under arbitrary environment variables

:repositories {"releases"  {:url           "gitlab://"
                            :username      "Job-Token"
                            :password      :env/ci_job_token
                            :sign-releases false}

               "snapshots" {:url          "gitlab://"
                            :username      "Private-Token"
                            :password      :env/gitlab_private_token}}

Store credentials in an encrypted file

Add the following to project.clj:

:repositories [["private" {:url "gitlab://" :creds :gpg}]]

And in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg:

 {"gitlab://" {:username "Private-Token"
                                                                   :password "98b0b104ca1211e19a6c" ;; Your gitlab private token

The map key here can be either a string for an exact match or a regex checked against the repository URL if you have the same credentials for multiple repositories.

See lein help deploying for additional details on storing credentials.


There should be no need to use this in a maven project, as the standard wagon with <httpHeaders> configuration in settings.xml described above should work. But for completeness, the following will also work.



    <!-- to publish to a private bucket -->

            <name>Some Name</name>
            <name>Some Snapshot Name</name>

    <!-- get this plugin from clojars -->

         <name>Clojars Repository</name>

     <!-- to consume artifacts from a private bucket -->

            <name>Some Name</name>


This xml is needed to set the token used for authentication.

            <!-- you can actually put the key and secret in here, I like to get them from the env -->

Releasing this library

# Make sure all of the versions are as you want them
git tag v1.x.y
git push --tags
mvn deploy
# Bump to the next SNAPSHOT version


Copyright © 2019 Nicheware Solutions Pty Ltd

Based on s3-wagon-private

Distributed under the Apache Public License version 2.0.


Deploy and consume artifacts from a private GitLab repository, using username/password configuration for token-type/token headers.







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