Django-Taxi allows creating taxonomies and terms related with django models through generic relations and stored
separately only in django_taxi
models and provide fields and mixins to create django forms that manage choices.
Loosely inspired by Wordpress taxonomies.
pip install django-taxi
Add app to installed apps in settings.
# ...
# ...
Run ./ migrate
that create 4 new tables in the database.
The example uses a model TestModel
in app django_app
where we related the taxi terms using the field named terms
We created a form that required that one shape is given and allow one or multiple colours set on the model instance.
The form may be used as a regular ModelForm
and also works fine in admin.
from django.db import models
from django_taxi.fields import TaxiRelation
class TestModel(models.Model):
terms = TaxiRelation() # Inherit from GenericRelation
from django import forms
from django_taxi.fields import TaxiField, TaxiSingleField
from django_taxi.mixins import TaxiModelMixin
from .models import TestModel
class MyAdminForm(TaxiModelMixin, forms.ModelForm):
shape = TaxiSingleField(label="Shape", taxonomy_slug="shape", required=True)
colour = TaxiField(label="Colour", taxonomy_slug="colour", required=False)
class Meta:
model = TestModel
fields = ("shape", "colour")
To start using Django-taxi some taxonomies, terms and relation between them should be created using the django admin or through code as below.
from django_taxi.models import Taxonomy, Term, TermTaxonomy, TermTaxonomyItem
shape_taxi = Taxonomy(name="Shape", slug="shape")
colour_taxi = Taxonomy(name="Colour") # Omitted slugs is slugified from name on save.
for shape in ["Square", "Circle", "Triangle"]:
shape_term = Term(name=shape)
TermTaxonomy(term=shape_term, taxonomy=shape_taxi).save()
for colour in ["Blue", "Red", "Yellow", "Green"]:
colour_term = Term(name=colour)
TermTaxonomy(term=colour_term, taxonomy=colour_taxi).save()
{% for t in obj.terms.all %}
<div>{{ t }}</div>
{% endfor %}
Get all available terms on an instance obj
all_terms = obj.terms.all()
Get terms for a specific taxonomy.
colours = obj.terms.taxonomy_slug("colour")
shapes = obj.terms.filter(term_taxonomy__taxonomy__slug="shape")
Example of getting terms the other way around through TermTaxonomyItem.
shapes = TermTaxonomyItem.objects.filter(
Django-taxi is in the middle of several other use cases where other methods might be better suited. Django-taxi is however a 300 line of code project and thus probably lacking a lot of features that might be available in the alternatives.
Using only django tools that taxonomy
may be defined as a field and terms
in the fields choices
. Django-taxi might be better suited if the model should be kept generic and specific taxonomies is better suited to be defined on form levels, or if choices simple and dynamically may be added, the sole reason this projected was created.
Allows a much more detailed taxonomy term management using django models. A different use case where Django-Taxi taxonomies and terms are only strings.
A much more generic tags library. I'm sure one could extend django-taggit to get similar functionality as Django-taxi.