The following project will demonstrate the process of deploying a BERT model fine-tuned on the SQuAD dataset provided by HuggingFace. The model will be deployed to an Amazon SageMaker (PyTorch) Endpoint. The SageMaker endpoint will be invoked by a serverless function which is in turn secured by an API that integrates with an identity provider (IdP). This project has been developed with Amazon SageMaker, Amazon S3, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), BERT and the HuggingFace Transformers library.
- An AWS Account with an IAM Execution Role for the SageMaker Notebook Instance which can be created using
CloudFormation template. - An appropriate SageMaker Notebook Instance limit. A request for a service limit increase can raised by following this process.
The easiest way to get started is to spin up an Amazon SageMaker notebook instance using the SageMaker Notebook Role that you previously created. You can select a smaller instance such as the ml.t2.medium
for this step as no training is needed. The process of creating a SageMaker Notebook instance is described in detail here.
In order to deploy a SageMaker Model, Endpoint Configuration and Endpoint, the appropriate model artefacts must be saved to an S3 bucket with a specific directory structure. The model_artefact_prep.ipynb
Jupyter notebook provides the code neccessary to complete this requirement. By cloning this repository into the SageMaker Notebook Instance and running the code in the notebook, you will be able to complete the following steps:
- Create an S3 bucket
- Pull the BERT model artefacts from HuggingFace's public S3 bucket
- Create a tarball object from the artefacts and upload it to S3
- Test the SageMaker Endpoint after deployment (using CloudFormation)
This repository can be cloned into the SageMaker Notebook Instance using the Jupyter Terminal with the following command:
git clone
The SageMaker Model, Endpoint Configuration and Endpoint can be deployed automatically using CloudFormation. The CloudFormation template will reference the S3 bucket and the BERT model artefacts that have already been created using the code in the model_artefact_prep.ipynb
Jupyter notebook. The cloudformation/sagemaker-endpoint.yaml
CloudFormation template can be deployed with the following command run inside the cloudformation/
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name sagemaker-bert-endpoint-stack \
--template-body file://sagemaker-endpoint.yaml \
In order to ensure that only authenticated users have access to the SageMaker Endpoint we will use Amazon Cognito. This service allows us to create two key resources:
- A Cognito User Pool which creates and stores all users which then plugs into your
- A Cognito Identity Pool which integrates with a Cognito User Pool to grant access to specific AWS services
These resources integrate with IAM and they can be deployed using the cloudformation/cognito-user-identity-pool.yaml
CloudFormation template which can be run with the following command:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cognito-bert-resources-stack \
--template-body file://cognito-user-identity-pool.yaml \
The cloudformation/lambda-endpoint-trigger.yaml
CloudFormation template can be used to create an AWS Lambda function which can invoke the SageMaker Endpoint and return a response. Access to the Lambda function will be facilitated by APIThis template can be deployed by running the following command run inside the cloudformation/
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name lambda-bert-endpoint-stack \
--template-body file://lambda-endpoint-trigger.yaml \
Any resources created in this project can be simply removed by destroying the CloudFormation stacks that you created using the CloudFormation console. They can also be deleted via the AWS CLI using the following commands:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name lambda-bert-endpoint-stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name cognito-bert-resources-stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name sagemaker-bert-endpoint-stack
The SageMaker Notebook instance must be terminated yourself. Remember to stop the instance if you aren't using it as you will be charged otherwise.
The CloudFormation stack used to create the SageMaker-Notebook-Role can be deleted with the following command:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name sagemaker-notebook-role-stack