Thoughtworks Go plugin to convert test reports to XUnit format.
##Supported Formats:
- Nose
- JSUnit
- MsTest
Download jar from releases & place it in
& restart Go Server -
The converter will now be available in the task selector drop down menu
Add and configure new task "XUnit Converter" to any job where tests are being run and outputted in any of the supported formats:
###Converter Type The type of test to try and convert from
###Input Directory Path (relative to pipeline) where the report files are located. The converter task will look for files in this directory with an extension of .xml for Nose & JSUnit tests and .trx for MsTests
###Output Directory The destination folder to place the converted tests. This folder will get created during the run. I usually place the new "converted" directory in the same folder as my input directory.
Notice that the output file name is the same name as the input file, including the extension ".trx"
Make sure you select 'RunIf Conditions' to 'Any', so the plugin converts reports even if tests fail!
##Project Contribution
- JavaIDE - I'm using IntellJ IDEA (14.1.2)
- JavaJDK version 1.7 +
- JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly setup
- Maven - I'm using Maven 3.3.3
- xunit-converter
- xunit-converter & xunit-converter-task repos must be in the same directory
cd xunit-converter
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd ..
cd xunit-converter-task
mvn clean install -DskipTests