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user formattedtext basic

nhmkdev edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 2 revisions

User Guides - FormattedText - Basic Font Manipulation


This guide covers the use of FormattedText element to adjust the font inline. If you are familiar with HTML tags this is not all that different.

Font Tags

Normally when you use a Text/FormattedText element you set the style in the Element Control window. With FormattedText inline tags you can switch the style any time you want.

See the image below for a number of sample tags in use:

The definition for the above is: <b>Bold</b><br><i>Italic</i><br><s>Strikeout</s><br><u>Underline</u><br><fs=16>Font Size</fs><br><fc=0xFF00FF>Font Color</fc><br>

Note: It is critical to set the Line Spacing value in the Element Control window!

Mixing Tags

Additionally you can stack the tags. So you can make a whole section of a string bold and then strikeout a keyword in it:

<b>This is a bold string with the word <s>strikeout</s> with a line through it!</b>

The result would be: This is a bold string with the word strikeout with a line through it!

Be careful to keep track of your tags and close them as necessary. All of the font tags indicated in this tutorial require a closing tag to remove the style from the stack.