obs-midi-mg v3.0.0
obs-midi-mg v3.0.0 is now available.
Finally, exactly one year after version 2.3.0 was released, the full release of version 3.0.0 is here! Thank you to all that contributed to this plugin - this would not have been possible without you. Please leave any questions, suggestions, or issues you may have in the OBS forum.
Here is the full changelog:
- UI navigation and structure changes!
- The UI has been revamped to decrease complicated movement
- It is more compact to compensate for wasted space
- The Message menu now holds which Device it wants to listen for
- It is also much cleaner looking, with smooth edges and colored backgrounds
- If having trouble navigating the new plugin setup menu, see the updated Help page
- With this UI change comes Binding Collections!
- Bindings are now automatically grouped in binding collections
- Bindings can be moved around these collections with the Move button
- Bindings can now have multiple actions!
- This effectively replaces the Internal action, as it no longer exists
- As with Internal actions, actions placed higher in the execution order (top to bottom) will execute first
- Icons!
- Many of the buttons found in previous versions of the plugin have been updated with icons
- Each icon has a tooltip with its basic functionality, but the updated Help page explains all of them in detail
- Actions can now have values that toggle!
- Supported fields will display two values, and each time the action occurs, the used value will switch to the other selected value
- The value on top will be checked for first
- With fields that only have two values to toggle, no display will appear - the plugin will automatically toggle between the two values
- Devices can be refreshed!
- With the click of a button, Devices can be checked to ensure that they actually exist
- This comes with the plugin's ability to automatically detect if a new device is present (in most cases)
- Number fields can now be edited by typing!
- Double-click any number field and it will begin to blink
- Type into the field to set its value
- It will stop blinking when it has lost focus, then it will set the typed value
- The biggest change: MIDI output!
- Most of the current input actions now have an output counterpart to listen for within OBS Studio
- To listen for these output events, use an output Binding by clicking the Switch button
- Multiple bindings can now be executed simultaneously if they are fulfilled at the same time
- Most actions are much more customizable in terms of what their values can do - go check them out!
- Logs have been updated to include more information
- The MIDI devices' names have changed to exclude extra numerical identifiers
- Each device can now have its own throughput device to send its incoming messages to
- Actions will now occur slightly faster
- The field buttons now have tooltips
- All actions involving a scene's sources will now include the sources inside a group
- NOTE: Undesired behavior occurs when using the Video Sources: Move Source action with sources inside of groups. I cannot change this behavior, as this is an OBS Studio issue.
- Audio Sources volume actions can now choose between percentage and decibel (dB) configurations
- Media Sources time actions will now update based on the length of the source being played
- The Set Current Track Time action no longer can use custom bounds
- Filters actions will now include all sources with filters, not just sources and scenes
- MIDI actions will act similarly to output Bindings when executed
- The title bar will now include the current Binding Collection (or Binding) name next to the menu title
- The Listen buttons in the message editor have been replaced with a single button
- MIDI backend updated
- I am aware of an issue that may cause pipewire to be unsupported on some systems. An update fixing this is coming soon.
- Also, the macOS bug is finally fixed!