Project status: beta-draft.
This is a experimentsl project showing my approach to build a logger interface used in application development. It is a revised version of what I've been using for the last couple of years in various projects.
This is not a self-contained logging library. Consider it as a "frontend" or a "wrapper" for whatever logging routine of your choice (which can be integrated as a backend). It can be used "as is" in your application or it can be adopted for your case or maybe you can just pick some ideas and came up with a better solution.
Consider the following reasoning behing logr design here.
By itself logr is a header-only library. So talking about build we mean build tests, examples and benchmarks.
- C++17 compiler.
- CMake.
- Package manager (conan, or vcpkg).
- Clone repository with submodules (don't forget
Logr relies on "backend" logging library. And it comes with ready to go backends for a couple of libraries which are considered to be provided by package manager.
One of the script in build-scripts
folder can be used.
Build with gcc 9.3 and run tests.
./build-scripts/ --run-ctest
Or build it manually:
mkdir build && cd build
# Install conan dependencies.
conan install \
-s compiler=gcc \
-s compiler.version=9.3 \
-s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 \
-s build_type=Release \
--build missing \
# Assume you deafult compiler is GCC 9.3.
# Otherwise set it explicitly:
# export CC=gcc-9
# export CPP=g++-9
# export AR=gcc-ar-9
# export CXX=g++-9
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . -j $(nproc)
ctest -T test
Using one of the dockers from docker hub conanio:
docker run -ti --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $(pwd):/sources \
-w /sources \
-e CONAN_USER_HOME=/sources/_conan \
conanio/gcc10 \
./build-scripts/ \
Build with msvc16 (aka vs2019, aka vc142):
rd /s /q _msvc16_conan
mkdir _msvc16_conan
cd _msvc16_conan
REM Precompiled log4cplus in conan-center seems to be broken
REM so we force its build `-b log4cplus`.
conan install -s compiler="Visual Studio" ^
-s compiler.version=16 ^
-s build_type=Release ^
-s compiler.runtime=MD ^
--build missing ^
-b log4cplus ^
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Release
ctest -T test
To build tests, examples and benchmarks the following packages should be installed: glog, spdlog, log4cplus, Boost, gtest, benchmark.
Having all dependencies in place one can build the project using the following commands:
mkdir _vcpkg_build
cd _vcpkg_build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLOGR_PKG_PROVIDER=vcpkg -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=PATH_TO/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ..
cmake --build . -j 4 --config Release
ctest -T test
A sample code using spdlogger with logr:
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h>
#include <logr/logr.hpp>
#include <logr/spdlog_backend.hpp>
int main()
int x=42, y=0xFFFF;
logr::spdlog_logger_t<> logger{
std::make_shared< spdlog::sinks::stdout_sink_st >(),
}; "Hello World! [raw message]" ); []() {
return "Hello World! [message-builder by return]";
} ); []( auto & out ) {
fmt::format_to( "Hello World! [message-builder by write-to]" );
} ); [&]( auto & out ) {
format_to( out, "X is {}! and Y is {}", x, y );
} ); [&]( auto out ) {
format_to( out, "Y is {}! and X is {}", y, x );
} ); [&x]( auto & out ) {
out.format_to( "X is {}! and Y is skipped", x );
} ); [&y]( auto out ) {
::fmt::format_to( out.buf(), "Y is {}! and X is skipped", y );
} );
See all examples.
The original idea behind the library came from
restinio in which a custom logger
can be integrated to RESTinio to track its internal events.
That is pretty much the major idea around Logr,
so logr = LOGger from Restinio
to show gratitude to great library.
And on the other hand it just 4 letters long which is good for namespaces.
Logr is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
Libraries used as logger backends are distributed under their license:
- spdlog.
- glog.
- log4cplus.
- Boost::log trivial.