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jputrino committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent 6a5bff8 commit e67f6e6
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## Overview

Learn how to build NGINX Agent container images with Docker.
NGINX Agent is a companion daemon for NGINX Open Source or NGINX Plus instances. You must run NGINX and NGINX Agent in the same container. The NGINX Agent GitHub repository includes [Dockerfiles]( that you can use to build custom container images that bundle NGINX Agent with NGINX or NGINX Plus.

## Prerequisites
1. Docker must be [installed and running](
1. (Optional) If you plan to use NGINX Plus, you will need the nginx-repo.crt and nginx-repo.key files. You can download them from [MyF5](
If you want to use NGINX Agent with NGINX Plus, you need to purchase an NGINX Plus license. Contact your F5 Sales representative for assistance.

## Building NGINX Agent image with Docker
### Supported base distributions {#supported-base-distros}

{{<tabs name="build-image">}}
Dockerfiles for NGINX Agent bundled with NGINX Open Source are available for the following base images.

{{<bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-border">}}
| Operating System | Version |
| ---------------- | -------------------------|
| Alma Linux | 8, 9 |
| Alpine Linux | 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 |
| Amazon Linux | 2 |
| Oracle Linux | 7, 8, 9 |
| Rocky Linux | 8, 9 |
| Ubuntu | 18.04 (Bionic), 20.04 (Focal), 22.04 (Jammy) |

Dockerfiles for NGINX Agent bundled with NGINX Plus are available for the following base images.

{{<bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-border">}}
| Operating System | Version |
| ---------------- | -------------------------|
| Alpine Linux | 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16 |
| Amazon Linux | 2 |
| CentOS | 7 |
| Debian | bullseye-slim, buster-slim |
| Oracle Linux | 7, 8 |
| RHEL | 7, 8, 9 |
| SUSE | sles12sp5, sle15 |
| Ubuntu | 18.04 (bionic), 20.04 (focal), 22.04 (jammy) |

## Set up your environment

### Install a container engine

You can use [Docker]( or [Podman]( to manage NGINX Agent container images. Follow the installation instructions for your preferred container engine and be sure the service is running before proceeding with the instructions in this document.

{{<note>}}The examples in this document primarily use Docker commands. You can adapt these using the appropriate [Podman commands]( if you're not using Docker.{{</note>}}

### Install the GNU Make package

You need to use the [GNU Make]( package to build the NGINX Agent container images provided in the nginx-agent GitHub repository.

If you do not already have Make installed, install it using the appropriate package manager for your operating system.

For example, to install `make` using the Ubuntu Advanced Packaging Tool (APT), run the command `apt install` command shown in the example. In some cases, it may help to update the package source lists in your operating system before proceeding.

1. Update the package source list:

sudo apt update

2. Install the `make` package:

sudo apt install make

### Clone the nginx-agent repository

The NGINX Agent GitHub repo contains the Dockerfiles and supporting scripts that you will use to build your images.

Run the appropriate command below to clone the GitHub repo by using HTTPS or SSH.

{{<tabs name="clone-repo">}}

{{%tab name="HTTPS"%}}

git clone

{{% /tab %}}

{{%tab name="SSH"%}}

git clone [email protected]:nginx/agent.git

{{% /tab %}}

{{% /tabs %}}

### Download an `agent` binary {#agent-binary}

Before you can build a container image with NGINX, you must build or download the `agent` binary.

The `agent` binary packages are available from the [NGINX Agent Releases]( page on GitHub.

Download the binary package for the operating system that you will use in the container image.

Note the location and name of the downloaded package. You will need to use this when running the `make` command to build the image (referred to as `[PATH-TO-PACKAGE]` in the example commands below).

### Download the NGINX Plus certificate and key {#myf5-download}

{{< fa "circle-info" "text-muted" >}} **This step is required if you are using NGINX Plus. If you are using NGINX open source, you can skip this section.**

In order to build a container image with NGINX Plus, you must provide the SSL certificate and private key files provided with your NGINX Plus license. These files grant access to the package repository from which the script will download the NGINX Plus package.

1. Log in to the [MyF5]( customer portal.
2. Go to **My Products and Plans** > **Subscriptions**.
3. Select the product subscription.
4. Download the **SSL Certificate** and **Private Key** files.
5. Move the SSL certificate and private key files to the directory where you cloned the nginx-agent repo.

The Makefile expects to find these files in the path *./build/certs*.
Assuming you cloned the nginx-agent repo to your `$HOME` directory, you would move and rename the files as follows:

mkdir -p $HOME/nginx-agent/build/certs
mv nginx-repo-S-X00012345.key $HOME/nginx-agent/build/certs/nginx-repo.key
mv nginx-repo-S-X00012345.crt $HOME/nginx-agent/build/certs/nginx-repo.crt

Be sure to replace the example certificate and key filenames shown in the example command with your actual file names.

## Build commands

The NGINX Agent GitHub repo has a set of Make commands that you can use to build a container image.

- `make oss-image` builds an image containing NGINX Agent and NGINX open source.
- `make image` builds an image containing NGINX Agent and NGINX Plus.

You can pass the following arguments when running the `make` command to build an NGINX Agent container image.

{{<bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-border">}}
| Argument | Definition |
| ---------------- | -------------------------|
| PACKAGE_NAME | **Required.** The full path to the downloaded [agent binary package](#agent-binary). <br>Must precede the `make` command. |
| OS_RELEASE | The Linux distribution to use as the base image. <br>Can also be set in the repo Makefile.|
| OS_VERSION | The version of the Linux distribution to use as the base image. <br>Can also be set in the repo Makefile.|

Refer to the [Supported base distributions](#supported-base-distros) table above to find out which base images you can use.
You can find the official images and versions for each distribution on [Docker Hub](

Keep the following information in mind when using the NGINX Agent [Dockerfiles]( to build container images:

- On some operating systems, you need root privileges (`sudo`) to run `make` commands.
- If you choose to run the `docker build` or `podman build` command instead of using the `make` commands provided, you must do so from the nginx-agent repository's root directory.
## Build NGINX open source images
Run the following `make` command to build the default image, which uses Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) as the base image.
### Example build commands by distribution
{{<tabs name="build-oss-image">}}
{{%tab name="alma linux"%}}
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=almalinux make oss-image
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="alpine linux"%}}
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="amazon linux"%}}
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=amazonlinux make oss-image
{{%tab name="NGINX Open Source"%}}
{{% /tab %}}
To build an image that contains the latest NGINX Agent and the latest mainline version of NGINX run the following command:
{{%tab name="debian"%}}
$ cd scripts/docker/official/nginx-oss-with-nginx-agent/alpine/
$ docker build -t nginx-agent . --no-cache -f ./Dockerfile.mainline
To build an image that contains the latest NGINX Agent and the latest stable version of NGINX run the following command:
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="oracle linux"%}}
$ cd scripts/docker/official/nginx-oss-with-nginx-agent/alpine/
$ docker build -t nginx-agent . --no-cache -f ./Dockerfile.stable
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=oraclelinux make oss-image
{{% /tab %}}

{{%tab name="NGINX Plus"%}}
1. Log in to [MyF5 Customer Portal]( and download your `nginx-repo.crt` and `nginx-repo.key` files. These files are also provided with the NGINX Plus trial package.
{{%tab name="rocky linux"%}}
1. Copy the files to the directory where the Dockerfile is located `scripts/docker/official/nginx-plus-with-nginx-agent/alpine/`.
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=rockylinux make oss-image
1. To build an image that contains the latest NGINX Agent and the latest version of NGINX Plus run the following command:
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="ubuntu"%}}
The command below creates a base image using the most recent LTS version of Ubuntu as the base image:
$ cd scripts/docker/official/nginx-plus-with-nginx-agent/alpine/
$ docker build -t nginx-agent . \
--no-cache -f ./Dockerfile \
--secret id=nginx-crt,src=nginx-repo.crt \
--secret id=nginx-key,src=nginx-repo.key
{{% /tab %}}
{{% /tabs %}}
## Build NGINX Plus images
{{<important>}}You need a license to use NGINX Agent with NGINX Plus. You must complete the steps in the [Download the certificate and key files from MyF5](#myf5-download) section before proceeding.{{</important>}}
Run the following `make` command to build the default image, which uses Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) as the base image.
### Example NGINX Plus build commands by distribution
{{<tabs name="build-image">}}
{{%tab name="alpine linux"%}}
## Running NGINX Agent container
{{% /tab %}}
Here is an example of how to run a NGINX Agent container with Docker:
{{%tab name="amazon linux"%}}
$ docker run --name nginx-agent -d nginx-agent
By default, the NGINX Agent REST API is not enabled. To enable the API, the NGINX Agent configuration file `nginx-agent.conf` needs to be updated to include the API configuration, for example:
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="centos"%}}
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="debian"%}}
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=debian OS_VERSION=bullseye-slim make image
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="oracle linux"%}}
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="rhel"%}}
PACKAGE_NAME=[PATH-TO-PACKAGE] OS_RELEASE=redhatenterprise make image
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="suse"%}}
{{% /tab %}}
{{%tab name="ubuntu"%}}
The command below creates a base image using the most recent LTS version of Ubuntu as the base image:
{{% /tab %}}
{{% /tabs %}}
## Run the NGINX Agent container
Here is an example of how to run the NGINX Agent container using Docker:
docker run --name nginx-agent -d nginx-agent
By default, the NGINX Agent REST API is not enabled. To enable the API, you must edit the NGINX Agent configuration file, *nginx-agent.conf*. For example:
port: 8038
Once the `nginx-agent.conf` file is updated with the API setting, following the previous example, you can run the container with the updated `nginx-agent.conf` mounted and the port `8038` exposed with the following command:
To learn more about the configuration options, refer to the NGINX Agent [Configuration Overview]({{< relref "/configuration/configuration-overview" >}}).
$ docker run --name nginx-agent -d \
Once you have updated the *nginx-agent.conf* file, you can run the container with the updated `nginx-agent.conf` mounted and the port `8038` exposed with the following command:
docker run --name nginx-agent -d \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/nginx-agent.conf,target=/etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf,readonly \
-p \
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions site/content/
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Expand Up @@ -17,17 +17,18 @@ NGINX Agent can run in most environments. We support the following distributions
{{< bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-bordered" >}}
| | AlmaLinux | Alpine Linux | Amazon Linux | Amazon Linux 2 | CentOS | Debian |
|**Version**|8 <br><br>9 | 3.16<br><br>3.17<br><br> 3.18<br><br> 3.19| 2023| LTS| 7.4+| 11<br><br> 12|
|**Architecture**| x86_84<br><br>aarch64| x86_64<br><br>aarch64 | x86_64<br><br>aarch64 | x86_64<br><br>aarch64 | x86_64<br><br>aarch64 | x86_64<br><br>aarch64 |
|**Version**|8 <br><hr>9 | 3.16<br><hr>3.17<br><hr> 3.18<br><hr> 3.19| 2023| LTS| 7.4+| 11<br><hr> 12|
|**Architecture**| x86_84<br><hr>aarch64| x86_64<br><hr>aarch64 | x86_64<br><hr>aarch64 | x86_64<br><hr>aarch64 | x86_64<br><hr>aarch64 | x86_64<br><hr>aarch64 |
{{< /bootstrap-table >}}

{{< bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-bordered" >}}
| |FreeBSD | Oracle Linux | Red Hat <br>Enterprise Linux (RHEL) | Rocky Linux | SUSE Linux <br>Enterprise Server (SLES) | Ubuntu |
| |FreeBSD | Oracle Linux | Red Hat <br>Enterprise Linux <br>(RHEL) | Rocky Linux | SUSE Linux <br>Enterprise Server <br>(SLES) | Ubuntu |
|**Version**|13<br><br>14|7.4+<br><br>8.1+<br><br>9|7.4+<br><br>8.1+<br><br>9.0+|8<br><br>9|12 SP5<br><br>15 SP2|20.04 LTS<br><br>22.04 LTS|
|**Version**|13<br><hr>14|7.4+<br><hr>8.1+<br><hr>9|7.4+<br><hr>8.1+<br><hr>9.0+|8<br><hr>9|12 SP5<br><hr>15 SP2|20.04 LTS<br><hr>22.04 LTS|
{{< /bootstrap-table >}}

## Supported Deployment Environments

NGINX Agent can be deployed in the following environments:
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