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CS 6120 Lesson 2: Representing Programs

This repo contains an OCaml implementation of the tasks for Lesson 2.

Building the code

  • This repo compiles with OCaml 5.0.0 or newer.
  • To run the code, the Opam package manager is required. Installation instructions for Opam can be found here.
  • Run make install to install all OCaml dependencies
  • Run make to compile (under the hood, this invokes the Dune build system)
  • Run make test to run all the QuickCheck tests in this repo

Code overview:

  • Type definitions for Bril programs + functions for converting from Bril's JSON representation to OCaml types
  • The algorithm for forming basic blocks & building control flow graphs (translated from the Python code discussed in-class)
  • Transforms Bril programs by adding a Nop after each instruction
  • QuickCheck generators for Bril types & QC properties for CFGs / serialization
  • Helper functions for dealing with JSON

CFG Algorithm Example:

To test the CFG algorithm on an example Bril program jmp.bril, run the following:

$ bril2json < bril_tests/jmp.bril | dune exec -- main | dot -Tpdf -o jmp_cfg.pdf
$ open jmp_cfg.pdf

This produces a GraphViz visualization of the CFG in jmp_cfg.pdf.

The basic blocks for this program are:

# Basic blocks for `jmp.bril`
  ((Const (v TyInt) (LitInt 4)) (Jmp somewhere))
  ((Const (v TyInt) (LitInt 2)))
  ((Print v))

Note that the OCaml implementation has found the same basic blocks as the Python program discussed in the pre-recorded lesson 2 video!

The CFG algorithm has also been tested on br.bril, whose CFG was discussed in the pre-recorded videos, and the output of our algorithm (in br_cfg.pdf) is the same as the CFG in the video.

We also have some QuickCheck properties ( which test whether various invariants are maintained during CFG construction.

Program transformation: Adding Nop after every instruction

In, we implement a transformation which adds a [Nop] instruction after each instruction. This transformation is applied to every function within a Bril program.

Testing this tranformation using Turnt: The bril_tests subfolder contains all the Bril files for the core Bril interpreter (taken from the main Bril repo) (except for the ones where the main function takes in non-zero arguments).

To test (using Turnt) that our transformation doesn't change the observable behavior of any Bril files in the bril_tests directory, run:

$ turnt --diff bril_tests/*.bril


Forming control flow graphs + basic blocks






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