An application to turn animated GIFs into FlipperZero animation data.
- Go to FlipperZero Firmware GitHub Repo
- Clone the repository
- Run the fbt file in the repository
- Install GraphicsMagick
- Open FlipperZero Animation Tool
- On the FlipperZero Firmware Directory screen click the Select FlipperZero Firmware Button and Select the root of the FlippZero Firmware directory
- Select a gif you would like to convert to a FlipperZero Animation
- A live preview of your animation will appear next to the select button
- Fill out the form below with the GIF information
- Good Defaults
- Name: A unique animation name
- FPS: 7
- Duration: 3600
- Cooldown: 1
- Min butthurt: 0
To appear your butthurt must be higher than this number
- Max butthurt: 3
To appear your butthurt must be lower than this number
- Min level: 0
To appear your level must be higher than this number
- Max level: 3
To appear your level must be lower than this number
- Weight: 3
Higher Weight means more priority
- Good Defaults
- Bubble (Optional)
- Text Box X
X Position of the speech bubble
- Text Box Y
Y Position of the speech bubble
- Align Horizontal
Horizontal alignment of the speech bubble tick
- Align Vertical
Vertical alignment of the speech bubble tick
- Start Frame
Frame to begin the speech bubble
- End Frame
Frame to end the speech bubble
- Bubble Text
Text to appear in the speech bubble
- Text Box X
- Click the Convert To Flipper Animation button
- Go to the %flipper-zero-firmware%/assets/resources/dolphin directory
- Copy your animation folder and the manifest.txt to the /SD Card/dolphin directory
- GraphicsMagick
- FlippZero Firmware repo cloned