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The New Relic Entity Tag Sync application is a tool used to map entity metadata from entities in an external system of record to tags on New Relic entities and to keep such tag values synchronized with the external entity metadata values across time.


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The New Relic Entity Tag Sync application is a tool used to map entity metadata from entities in an external system of record to tags on New Relic entities and to keep such tag values synchronized with the external entity metadata values across time.


There are several key concepts to be aware of in order to understand how the entity tag sync application works.

New Relic Entities

A New Relic entity is anything that reports data to New Relic or that contains data that we have access to. More information on New Relic entities is available in our documentation.

External Entities

An external entity can be generally thought of as any object with metadata in an external system of record. The specific definition of an external entity is particular to the external system.

Within the entity tag sync application, external entities are modeled as a set of key-value pairs and a unique ID. It is these key-value pairs that are used during the synchronization process to populate and update tags on the New Relic entities.


A provider is a module capable of retrieving entity metadata from an external system of record and mapping that data to the internal representation of an external entity as a set of key-value pairs.

The following providers are supported:

  • ServiceNow CMDB
ServiceNow CMDB provider

The ServiceNow CMDB provider models CMDB configuration items (CIs) as external entities, enabling fields on CIs to be mapped to tags on New Relic entities.

The ServiceNow CMDB provider leverages the ServiceNow ReST API to retrieve CI data and supports both HTTP Basic authentication and OAuth 2.0 authentication. See the ReST API Security documentation for more details on using these authentication methods with the ServiceNow ReST API. See the ServiceNow CMDB provider parameters section for details on how to configure the ServiceNow CMDB provider to use these authentication methods.


Mappings drive the actual synchronization process. Each mapping tells the entity tag sync application what external entities to select from the provider, what entities to select from New Relic, how to match external entities with New Relic entities, and how key-value pairs from the external entity map to tags on the New Relic entity.

Mappings are specified in the mappings section of the configuration file. During the synchronization process, the entity tag sync application processes each mapping in order. A mapping is processed as follows.

  1. Fetch external entities

    All external entities matching the external entity query criteria are retrieved via the provider. The keys of the mapping node as well as the value of the extEntityKey in the match node are passed to the provider indicating the key-value pairs to retrieve for each external entity. The last update timestamp is also passed to the provider if one was retrieved.

  2. Fetch New Relic entities

    All New Relic entities matching the New Relic entity query critera are retrieved via the New Relic GraphQL API

  3. Find matching entities

    For each selected New Relic entity, the match strategy is applied to find a matching external entity. If no match is found, processing proceeds to the next New Relic entity or, if all candidate New Relic entities have been processed, to the next mapping. If a match is found, processing continues to the synchronize step.

  4. Synchronize tags

    If a match is discovered, the synchronization process executes the following logic for each pair of external entity key, E, to New Relic tag name, T in the mapping node.

    • If E does not exist in the external entity metadata and T does not exist in the tags of the matching New Relic entity, do nothing and continue to the next pair.
    • If E does not exist in the external entity metadata and T does exist in the tags of the matching New Relic entity, delete the tag T from the New Relic entity.
    • If E does exist in the external entity metadata and T does not exist in the tags of the matching New Relic entity, add a tag to thew New Relic entity with E for the tag name and the value of key E in the external entity metadata as the singular tag value.
    • If E does exist in the external entity metadata and T does exist in the tags of the matching New Relic entity, scan the values for the tag T in the matching New Relic entity.
      • If the value of key E in the external entity metadata is in the values of tag T, do nothing and continue to the next pair.
      • If the value of key E in the external entity metadata is not in the values of tag T, the values of tag T are replaced with the value of key E in the external entity metadata.

    NOTE: Case 2 and case 4, subcase 2 above are destructive. In both cases, existing tag values removed. In general it should probably be assumed that the tags being synchronized are managed by the entity tag sync application. and should be modified via other means.

Audit Events

The entity tag sync application is capable of producing audit events at various points during the synchronization process. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting the events.enabled general configuration parameter. When enabled, the entity tag sync application will produce events with the event type specified in the events.eventType general configuration parameter or the event type EntityTagSync by default. The following attributes and values are captured for every event. Additional attributes are action dependent.

Name Type Description
id string A canonical RFC-4122 UUID string that uniquely identifies each synchronization cycle
action string A string identifying the action that this event describes
error bool Flag indicating if an error occurred during this transaction or not
errorMessage string If an error occurred, a message describing what happened

Event Actions

The following actions are produced along with any additional attributes captured by each action.


This action is produced at the start of each sync cycle and does not carry any additional attributes. Note that the error attribute for this action will always be false and the errorMessage attribute will always be empty.


This action is produced at the end of each sync cycle and does not carry any additional attributes. The error attribute for this action will be set to true if any error occurred, including the case where the sync cycle finishes successfully but a specific mapping has update errors. The errorMessage attribute will be set providing more details.


This action is produced each time during a sync cycle that the entity tag sync application finishes processing a mapping. The set of attributes captured for this action fall into one of three cases.

  1. If an error occurred while processing the mapping, The error attribute for this action will be set to true, the errorMessage attribute will be set providing more details, and no additional attributes will be present.

  2. If no external entities were returned by the provider, not due to an error, the error attribute for this action will be false, the errorMessage attribute will be empty, and the extEntityCount attribute will be set to 0, indicating that no external entities were returned and the subsequent mapping process was skipped since there was nothing to do.

  3. If the overall mapping process completed, even if there were errors updating some entities, the error attribute for this action will be false, the errorMessage attribute will be empty and the following attributes will be set.

    • extEntityCount - the number of external entities returned by the provider
    • totalEntityCount - the total number of New Relic entities that matched the New Relic entity criteria
    • totalEntitiesScanned - the total number of New Relic entities that were tested against the external entities using the match strategy. This might be different than the totalEntityCount if an error occurred before all entities could be processed.
    • totalEntitiesMatched - the total number of New Relic entities that matched an external entity according to the match strategy
    • totalEntitiesNoMatch - the total number of New Relic entities that did not match an external entity according to the match strategy
    • totalEntitiesSkipped - the total number of New Relic entities that matched an external entity according to the match strategy but were up-to-date with the external entity and did not require updates
    • totalEntitiesUpdated - the total number of New Relic entities that matched an external entity according to the match strategy and were updated successfully
    • totalEntitiesWithErrors - the total number of New Relic entities that matched an external entity according to the match strategy but were not updated successfully due to errors

Delta Synchronization

By default, the synchronization cycle is stateless. As a result, unless implemented directly by the provider, the provider has no way to determine when the last synchronization was run which will likely cause the provider to retrieve all external entities during each synchronization cycle. This may be expensive in terms of consumed resources, especially as the data set of external entities and/or the number of key-value pairs being retrieved increase.

To address this issue, the entity tag sync application can be configured to "maintain" the timestamp of the last synchronization and pass the timestamp to the provider when retrieving external entities. To enable this feature, the provider.useLastUpdate flag must be set to true and audit events must be enabled.

When enabled, the entity tag sync application will query NRDB for the latest occurence of the audit event with the event type specified in the events.eventName configuration parameter for which the value of the action attribute is set to sync_end. The resulting timestamp is passed to the provider implementation as the third parameter of the GetEntities function.

Provider implementations are not required to support this feature but providers that do support it must honor it when it is passed.

NOTE: This functionality is currently implemented in a fairly primitive way. The timestamp of the last synchronization is determined by querying NRDB for the latest timestamp of the most recent audit event. This is why audit eventsmust be enabled in order to leverage this feature.

Getting Started

The New Relic Entity Tag Sync application can be run directly on a host or run as an AWS Lambda function.


The New Relic Entity Tag Sync application provides binaries for the following host environments.

Run the application on host

To run the New Relic Entity Tag Sync application as a standalone application on a host, perform the following steps.

  1. Download the binary for your platform from the latest release
  2. Extract the archive to a new or existing directory.
  3. Create a directory named configs in the same directory.
  4. To use an existing configuration file, copy it to a file named config.yml in the new configs directory. To create a new configuration file, copy the configs/config.sample.yml. to configs/config.yml and customize it to configure the application appropriately for your environment.
  5. Optionally, to specify one or more configuration parameters using environment variables, set the appropriate environment variables.
  6. From the directory where the archive was extracted, execute the integration binary using the command ./nr-entity-tag-sync (or .\nr-entity-tag-sync.exe on Windows).

AWS Lambda Function

To run the New Relic Entity Tag Sync application as an AWS Lambda function, create an AWS Lambda function using one of the following methods.

Requirements for running the AWS Lambda Function

  • The Entity Tag Sync Lambda function requires an execution role that the AWS Lambda service can assume to run the Lambda function. Either an existing role can be used or a new role can be created.

    When creating a new role, the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function does not need access to any AWS services other than CloudWatch (to write log events). Attaching the AWSLambdaExecute managed policy or the AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole managed policy or the equivalent thereof, is sufficient.

Deploy using the deployment scripts

A deployment script is included that can be run using the included Makefile to build the deployment package and deploy the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function as part of a new AWS Stack in one step.

The provided CloudFormation template will create a new AWS Stack with four resources.

  1. The Entity Tag Sync Lambda function
  2. An EventBridge schedule that will invoke the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function every 15 minutes starting at the beginning of each hour
  3. An EventBridge schedule group to contain the schedule
  4. An IAM role that the EventBridge scheduler can assume to execute the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function

The only required resource in this AWS Stack is the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function. The EventBridge resources and the IAM role can be removed from the template if existing resources will be used and/or if the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function will be invoked as the target of a different resource.

The provided CloudFormation template leverages CloudFormation template parameters to customize various properties of the created resources. A sample parameters file is provided that shows an example of each parameter that can be used with the CloudFormation template.

NOTE: Deploying the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function using the deployment scripts requires the AWS CLI to be installed on the same system where the repository was cloned. It also requires an S3 bucket where the deployment package can be uploaded so that the CloudFormation template can reference it to during deployment. Either an existing bucket can be used or a new bucket can be created.

To deploy the Entity Tag Sync Lambda function using this method, perform the following steps.

  1. Clone this repository using git clone.
  2. Navigate to the repository root.
  3. To use an existing configuration file, copy it to a file named config.yml in the configs directory. To create a new configuration file, copy the configs/config.sample.yml to configs/config.yml and customize it to configure the application appropriately for your environment.
  4. Copy the deployments/lambda/cf-params.sample.json to deployments/lambda/cf-params.json.
  5. Use the parameter descriptions in the CloudFormation template at deployments/lambda/cf-template.yaml as a guide to update the template parameters in deployments/lambda/cf-params.json.
  6. Ensure that appropriate authentication and access credentials are set to allow the AWS CLI to authenticate.
  7. Run the command AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=my-s3-bucket make deploy-lambda, where my-s3-bucket is the same as the value of the S3BucketName template parameter that is set in the deployments/lambda/cf-params.json file.
  8. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking for the following console output.
Building lambda zip package...
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 51%)
  adding: configs/ (stored 0%)
  adding: configs/config.yml (deflated 43%)
Uploading lambda zip package...
upload: ../ to s3://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/
Deploying stack nr-entity-tag-sync...

Waiting for changeset to be created..
Waiting for stack create/update to complete
Successfully created/updated stack - nr-entity-tag-sync
Update or uninstall using the deployment scripts

An update script is included that can be run using the included Makefile to update the Entity Tag Sync Lambda binary or the config.yml file. This can be useful to update to the latest version of the Entity Tag Sync application or deploy a new config.yml file.

To update to the latest version of the Entity Tag Sync application, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the repository root.
  2. Update your repository to the latest version using git pull, git rebase, etc.
  3. Run the command AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=my-s3-bucket make update-lambda, where my-s3-bucket is the name of an S3 bucket to upload the deployment package to.
  4. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking for the following console output.
Building lambda zip package...
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 51%)
  adding: configs/ (stored 0%)
  adding: configs/config.yml (deflated 43%)
Uploading lambda zip package...
upload: ../ to s3://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/

To deploy a new config.yml, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the repository root.
  2. Copy the new config.yml file to the configs directory or update the existing config.yml file in the configs directory.
  3. Run the command AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME=my-s3-bucket make update-lambda, where my-s3-bucket is the name of an S3 bucket to upload the deployment package to.
  4. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking for the console output shown above.

An uninstall script is also included that can be run using the included Makefile to remove the Entity Tag Sync AWS Stack that was deployed using the deploy script.

To uninstall the Entity Tag Sync AWS Stack, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to the repository root.
  2. Run the command make delete-lambda.
  3. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking for the following console output.
Deleting stack nr-entity-tag-sync...
Waiting for stack delete to complete...

Deploy using an existing provisioning process

To use an existing provisioning process such as CloudFormation, Terraform, or Ansible to deploy the Entity Tag Sync Lambda, build the deployment package and use the appropriate mechanisms of the provisioning tool(s) to create an AWS Lambda function with the properties shown below.

To build the deployment package perform the following steps.

  1. Clone this repository using git clone.
  2. Navigate to the repository root.
  3. To use an existing configuration file, copy it to a file named config.yml in the configs directory. To create a new configuration file, copy the configs/config.sample.yml to configs/config.yml and customize it to configure the application appropriately for your environment.
  4. Run the command make package-lambda.
  5. Verify that the command ran successfully by looking for the following console output.
Building lambda zip package...
  adding: bootstrap (deflated 51%)
  adding: configs/ (stored 0%)
  adding: configs/config.yml (deflated 43%)

On successful completion of the make command, the deployment package will be located at dist/ Use this deployment package along with the following property values to create the AWS Lambda function.

  • Lambda package type: Zip
  • Lambda deployment package: Reference to the location of the generated deployment package ZIP file
  • Lambda entry point/handler name: bootstrap
  • Lambda runtime identifier: provided.al2023
  • Lambda environment variables: Specify configuration parameters that should be set using environment variables.

Run the application as an AWS Lambda Function

The application can be run using any supported invocation method. For example, when deploying the AWS Lambda function using the provided CloudFormation template, an AWS EventBridge schedule is also created to invoke the AWS Lambda function on a specified schedule.



The Entity Tag Sync application is driven by a YAML configuration file. The configuration file consists of a set of general parameters, a set of provider parameters, and an array of mappings. A sample configuration file is provided that shows an example of all parameters.

General parameters

The following general configuration parameters are supported. Some parameters can be specified as environment variables as indicated below. Parameters listed below with dots in their names correspond to nested YAML structures. For example log.level corresponds to the following YAML.

  level: warn
Name Environment Variable Description Required Example Default
apiKey NEW_RELIC_API_KEY A New Relic User API key Y NRAK-123456
licenseKey NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY A New Relic Ingest License Key used for the Event API Y if events enabled 123456NRAL
region NEW_RELIC_REGION The New Relic datacenter to access (US or EU) N US US
log.level The application log level N debug warn
log.fileName Log file name N app.log Standard output
events.enabled Flag to enable audit event N true false
events.accountId NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID New Relic account where audit events are posted Y if events enabled 12345
events.eventName Name of audit event type N MyCustomTagSyncEvent EntityTagSync

Provider parameters

The provider section of the configuration file is used to specify the parameters for the external entity provider. This section contains common parameters that are provider indepent and parameters that are specific to the selected provider. The following common parameters are supported.

Name Description Required Example Default
type The provider implementation to use Y servicenow
useLastUpdate Flag to enable delta synchronization N true false

The following values for the type parameter are supported.

ServiceNow CMDB provider parameters

The ServiceNow CMDB provider supports the following configuration parmaeters.

Name Environment Variable Description Required Example Default
authType NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_AUTHTYPE The type of authentication to use to authenticate with the ServiceNow instance (basic or oauth) Y basic basic
apiUser NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_APIUSER The ServiceNow username to use when using basic authentication Y if authType is basic admin
apiPassword NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_APIPASSWORD The password to use for the specified ServiceNow username when using basic authentication Y if authType is basic abcd123
oauthTokenUrl NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_OAUTHTOKENURL The token URL to use when using oauth authentication N ${apiUrl}/
oauthGrantType NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_GRANTTYPE The grant type to use when using oauth authentication N client_credentials password
oauthClientId NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_OAUTHCLIENTID The client ID to use when using oauth authentication Y if authType is oauth 12345
oauthClientSecret NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_OAUTHCLIENTSECRET The client secret to use when using oauth authentication Y if authType is oauth 12345
oauthClientScopes NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_OAUTHCLIENTSCOPES The list of OAuth scopes to request when using oauth authentication. Separate multiple scopes using whitespace characters. N read_profile
pageSize NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_PAGESIZE A New Relic User API key N 10 10000

Mapping parameters

The mappings section of the configuration file is used to specify one or more mapping configurations. Each mapping configuration specifies a set of configuration parameters that defines the set of criteria for selecting external entities, the set of criteria for selecting New Relic entities, the criteria used to match external entities to New Relic entities, and the mapping from external entity key-values to New Relic entity tags.

External entity query criteria

The extEntityQuery section of a mapping configuration specifies the query criteria for selecting a set of external entities. The configuration parameters in this section are specific to the provider.

ServiceNow CMDB entity query criteria

The ServiceNow CMDB provider supports the following configuration parameters for selecting the set of CIs that are candidates for matching against New Relic entities.

Name Description Required Example Default
type The ServiceNow CMDB configuration item type name Y cmdb_ci_email_server
query An encoded query string to use to filter the result using the sysparm_query parameter N sys_updated_on>javascript:gs.dateGenerate('{{ .lastUpdateDate }}','{{ .lastUpdateTime }}')^operational_status!=2
serverTimezone A location name corresponding to a file in the IANA Time Zone database for the time zone of the local ServiceNow instance N America/New_York
urlQueryParams Additional URL query parameters to send on the ReST table API call specified as a set of key + value pairs N (see below)

The ServiceNow CMDB query is executed by querying the table API using a URL like the following.,FIELD1,...,FIELDN&sysparm_limit=PAGESIZE&sysparm_offset=0

The value of CI_TYPE is the value of the type configuration parameter. The values of FIELD1,...,FIELDN are the keys of the mapping node as well as the value of the extEntityKey in the match node. The value of PAGESIZE is the value of the pageSize parameter of the provider node.

Query parameter

If a query is specified in the entity query criteria, the sysparm_query query parameter will be added to the query portion of the URL. The query parameter value will be automatically URL encoded so it should not be specified in URL encoded format. For example to filter records where the active field is true and the roles field is itil, specify the string active=true^roles=itil and not active%3Dtrue%5Eroles%3Ditil.

When using delta synchronization, the special character sequences ${lastUpdateDate} and ${lastUpdateTime} will be replaced with the date and time strings, respectively, for the date and time specified by the last synchronization timestamp. The date and time strings will be in the format required by the dateGenerate function and will be converted to strings using the timezone specified in the serverTimezone parameter.

The query configuration parameter should not be confused with the urlQueryParameters configuration parameter. The former is used to specify an encoded query string used to filter the ServiceNow query result set. The latter is used to specify additional query parameters to add to the ReST API URL generated to execute the table API query.


Consider the following YAML.

  type: servicenow
  pageSize: 50
- extEntityQuery:
    type: cmdb_ci_email_server
    query: 'sys_updated_on>javascript:gs.dateGenerate('${lastUpdateDate}','${lastUpdateTime}')^operational_status!=2'
    serverTimezone: America/Los_Angeles
      sysparm_display_value: "true"
    extEntityKey: name
    sys_class_name: foo
    environment: bar

Given this YAML, the ServiceNow CMDB provider will access the URL,name,sys_class_name,environment&sysparm_limit=50&sysparm_offset=0&sysparm_display_value=true&sysparm_query=sys_updated_on%3Ejavascript%3Ags.dateGenerate%28%272023-06-01%27%2C%2712%3A00%3A00%27%29%5Eoperational_status%21%3D2 to retrieve the display values for the fields sys_id, name, sys_class_name, and environment for the CI records of type cmdb_ci_email_server that were updated on or after June 1st, 2023 at 12:00:00 GMT-7 and do not have an operational_status of 2.

New Relic entity query criteria

The entityQuery section of a mapping configuration specifies the query criteria for selecting a set of entities in New Relic.

Name Description Required Example Default
type The entity type (APPLICATION, HOST, etc) N WORKLOAD
domain The entity domain (APM, BROWSER, etc) N INFRA
name The entity name N Billing Service
accountId The New Relic account ID N 123456
tags A set of tag key + values pairs N (see below)
query A raw entitySearch query N type IN ('APPLICATION')

The tags value is an array of key and values pairs as in the following example.

- entityQuery:
    - bar
    - baz

Note that the value part of the pair is an array since New Relic tags can have multiple values per key.

The query is executed via the Nerdgraph GraphQL API using the entitySearch type of the actor type as follows.

  • If a value is specified for the query key, it will take precedence over the other values.
  • Otherwise, the entitySearch query value will be built by AND'ing the other values together. The following examples show the query string that would be produced for a given entityQuery configuration.

Example 1: YAML

- entityQuery:
  type: 'HOST'
  domain: 'INFRA'
  name: 'myinstance'

Example 1: Query

type IN ('HOST') AND domain IN ('INFRA') AND name LIKE 'myinstance'

Example 2: YAML

- entityQuery:
  accountId: 12345
    - bar
    - boop

Example 2: Query

tags.accountId = 12345 AND IN ('bar') AND tags.beep IN ('boop')

Example 3: YAML

- entityQuery:
  type: 'HOST'
  domain: 'INFRA'
  query: "name LIKE 'abc123'"

Example 3: Query

name LIKE 'abc123'

Match strategy

The match section of a mapping configuration is a tuplet that specifies the name of an external entity key, the name of a New Relic entity attribute/tag, and an operator used to compare the values of the external entity key to the New Relic entity attribute/tag.

Name Description Required Example Default
extEntityKey The external entity key to use for comparison Y environment
operator The type of comparison to use Y equal
entityKey The New Relic entity attribute/tag to use for comparison Y equal

The extEntityKey external entity key will be implicitly added to the list of keys requested from the provider for each external entity , regardless of whether the key is referenced in the mapping section.

The New Relic entity attribute/tag may be any one of the following.

  • name - the New Relic entity name
  • guid - the New Relic entity GUID
  • accountId - the New Relic account ID that the entity belongs to
  • Any tag name

The following values for the operator attribute are supported.

Value Meaning
equal external entity key value is case-sensitive equivalent to New Relic entity attribute/tag value
equal-ignore-case external entity key value is case-insensitive equivalent to New Relic entity attribute/tag value
contains New Relic entity attribute/tag value is a case-sensitive sub-string within external entity key value
contains-ignore-case New Relic entity attribute/tag value is a case-insensitive sub-string within external entity key value
inverse-contains-ignore-case external entity key value is a case-insensitive sub-string within New Relic entity attribute/tag value

For example, consider the following YAML.

  extEntityKey: foo
  operator: equal-ignore-case
  entityKey: bar

Given this YAML, New Relic entities will be matched against external entities by comparing the values of the tag bar on the New Relic entities to the values of the key foo on the external entities, case insensitively.


The mapping node of a mapping configuration specifies the mapping from external entity keys to New Relic entity tags. The keys of the mapping node represent the external entity keys while the values represent the New Relic entity tag names.

For a given external entity to New Relic entity pair, the value of each of the external entity keys specified by the keys in the mapping node are used as the values of the New Relic entity tags specified by the values in the mapping node.

For example, consider the following YAML.

  foo: bar
  beep: boop

Given this YAML, the values of the external entity key foo and beep of any external entity that matches a New Relic entity will be set as the values of the tags bar and boop on the matching New Relic entity.

Full example

This section provides an example configuration and set of entities followed by a full walk-through of the synchronization process.

Sample configuration
  level: warn
  type: servicenow
  apiUser: admin
- extEntityQuery:
    type: cmdb_ci_email_server
    - APM
    accountId: 1
    extEntityKey: name
    operator: equal-ignore-case
    entityKey: name
    sys_class_name: SNOW_CI_CLASS
    sys_id: SNOW_CMDB_CI
    environment: SNOW_ENVIRONMENT
    sys_domain.value: SNOW_SYS_DOMAIN
- extEntityQuery:
    type: cmdb_ci_app_server
    - HOST
    - INFRA
    extEntityKey: name
    operator: contains
    entityKey: ciMatch
    sys_class_name: SNOW_CI_CLASS
    sys_id: SNOW_CMDB_CI
    environment: SNOW_ENVIRONMENT
    sys_domain.value: SNOW_SYS_DOMAIN
ServiceNow CIs
Type Name sys_id sys_class_name sys_domain.value environment
cmdb_ci_email_server Microsoft Exchange abcd123 cmdb_ci_email_server global Production
cmdb_ci_app_server WebSphere Application Server efgh456 cmdb_ci_app_server local Development
New Relic Entities
Type Domain Name GUID tags.ciMatch tags.SNOW_CI_CLASS tags.SNOW_CMDB_CI tags.SNOW_SYS_DOMAIN tags.SNOW_ENVIRONMENT
APPLICATION APM microsoft exchange NR12345 cmdb_ci_email_server abcd123 Development
HOST INFRA WebSphere Application Server NR45678 WebSphere cmdb_ci_app_server efgh456 global
  1. The entity tag sync application starts up and reads in the configuration.

  2. A new ServiceNow provider is created with the API base URL and the API username admin. The API password will be read from the environment variable NR_CMDB_SNOW_PROVIDER_APIPASSWORD. The page size defaults to 10000.

  3. The application starts processing the first mapping configuration by inspecting the extEntityQuery node.

  4. Using the type parameter specified in the extEntityQuery node as the table name to query and using the keys of the mapping node as well as the value of the extEntityKey of the match node as the CI fields to return, the ServiceNow CMDB provider will make an HTTP GET request for the following URL.,name,sys_class_name,environment,sys_domain&sysparm_limit=10000&sysparm_offset=0

    This API call will return the requested key-value pairs for all CIs of type cmdb_ci_email_server, including the CI listed above with sys_id abcd123.

  5. The application next uses the entityQuery node to request to make the following GraphQL query against the New Relic GraphQL API.

      actor {
        entitySearch(query: "type IN ('APPLICATION') AND domain IN ('APM') AND tags.accountId` = 1") {
          results {
            entities {
              tags {

    This query will return all APM service entities in account ID 1, including the APM application listed above with GUID NR12345.

  6. Next, the application will iterate over the entities returned from the GraphQL call and, per the match node values, will perform a case-insensitive equals check between each CI name and the current entity name. In this case, the application will find a match between the CI with sys_id abcd123 and the New Relic entity with GUID NR12345 because the values Microsoft Exchange and microsoft exchange are case-insensitively equivalent.

  7. The application will update the tags on entity NR12345 using the values of the key-value pairs from CI abcd123 as follows.

    CI Key CI Value Entity Tag Entity NR12345 before Entity NR12345 after
    sys_class_name cmdb_ci_email_server SNOW_CI_CLASS cmdb_ci_email_server cmdb_ci_email_server
    sys_id abcd123 SNOW_CMDB_CI abcd123 abcd123
    sys_domain.value global SNOW_SYS_DOMAIN global
    environment Production SNOW_ENVIRONMENT Development Production
  8. The application starts processing the second mapping configuration by inspecting the extEntityQuery node.

  9. Using the specified type parameter and the keys of the mapping node as well as the value of the extEntityKey of the match node specified by the configuration, the ServiceNow CMDB provider will make an HTTP GET request for the following URL.,name,sys_class_name,environment,sys_domain&sysparm_limit=10000&sysparm_offset=0

    This API call will return the requested key-value pairs for all CIs of type cmdb_ci_app_server, including the CI listed above with sys_id efgh456.

  10. The application next uses the entityQuery node to request to make the following GraphQL query against the New Relic GraphQL API.

      actor {
        entitySearch(query: "type IN ('HOST') AND domain IN ('INFRA')") {
          results {
            entities {
              tags {

    This query will return all infrastructure host entities accessible by the given license key, including the infrastructure host listed above with GUID NR45678.

  11. Next, the application will iterate over the entities returned from the GraphQL call and, per the match node values, will perform a case-insensitive "contains" check between each CI name and the first value of the ciMatch tag of each entity. In this case, the application will find a match between the CI with sys_id efgh456 and the New Relic entity with GUID NR45678 because the value WebSphere Application Server includes the value WebSphere.

  12. The application will update the tags on entity NR45678 using the values of the key-value pairs from CI efgh456 as follows.

    CI Key CI Value Entity Tag Entity NR45678 before Entity NR45678 after
    sys_class_name cmdb_ci_app_server SNOW_CI_CLASS cmdb_ci_email_server cmdb_ci_email_server
    sys_id efgh456 SNOW_CMDB_CI efgh456 efgh456
    sys_domain.value local SNOW_SYS_DOMAIN global local
    environment Production SNOW_ENVIRONMENT Development


Coding Conventions

Style Guidelines

While not strictly enforced, the basic preferred editor settings are set in the .editorconfig. Other than this, no style guidelines are currently imposed.

Static Analysis

This project uses both go vet and staticcheck to perform static code analysis. These checks are run via precommit on all commits. Though this can be bypassed on local commit, both tasks are also run during the validate workflow and must have no errors in order to be merged.

Commit Messages

Commit messages must follow the conventional commit format. Again, while this can be bypassed on local commit, it is strictly enforced in the validate workflow.

The basic commit message structure is as follows.

<type>[optional scope][!]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

In addition to providing consistency, the commit message is used by svu during the release workflow. The presence and values of certain elements within the commit message affect auto-versioning. For example, the feat type will bump the minor version. Therefore, it is important to use the guidelines below and carefully consider the content of the commit message.

Please use one of the types below.

  • feat (bumps minor version)
  • fix (bumps patch version)
  • chore
  • build
  • docs
  • test

Please use one of the scopes below.

  • sync - work related to the synchronization process
  • config - work related to the config system
  • provider[-optional-name] - work related to the provider framework or a specific provider
  • lambda - work related to the lambda code and/or deployment
  • ci - work related to continuous integration (GitHub workflow/actions)
  • release - work related to creating a new release

Any type/scope can be followed by the ! character to indicate a breaking change. Additionally, any commit that has the text BREAKING CHANGE: in the footer will indicate a breaking change.

Local Development

For local development, simply use go build and go run. For example,

go build cmd/nr-entity-tag-sync/nr-entity-tag-sync.go


go run cmd/nr-entity-tag-sync/nr-entity-tag-sync.go

If you prefer, you can also use goreleaser with the --single-target option to build the binary for the local GOOS and GOARCH only.

goreleaser build --single-target


Releases are built and packaged using goreleaser. By default, a new release will be built automatically on any push to the main branch. For more details, review the .goreleaser.yaml and the goreleaser documentation.

The svu utility is used to generate the next tag value based on commit messages.

GitHub Workflows

This project utilizes GitHub workflows to perform actions in response to certain GitHub events.

Workflow Events Description
validate push Runs precommit to perform static analysis and runs commitlint to validate the last commit message
build pull_request Builds and tests code
release push to main branch Generates a new tag using svu and runs goreleaser
repolinter pull_request Enforces repository content guidelines




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For more information, review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice.


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If you have any questions, or to execute our corporate CLA (which is required if your contribution is on behalf of a company), drop us an email at [email protected].

A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.

If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.

To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.


The [New Relic Entity Tag Sync] project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


The New Relic Entity Tag Sync application is a tool used to map entity metadata from entities in an external system of record to tags on New Relic entities and to keep such tag values synchronized with the external entity metadata values across time.




Code of conduct

Security policy





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