New Relic's mobile monitoring capabilities help you gain deeper visibility into how to analyze your iOS application performance and troubleshoot crashes. You can also examine HTTP and other network performance for unexpected lag, which will in turn help you collaborate more efficiently with your backend teams.
- Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency....
- Add the Github URL of the Package file:
If you receive an
artifact of binary target 'NewRelic' failed extraction: The operation couldn’t be completed. (TSCBasic.StringError error 1.)
error when extracting the package, please close Xcode, delete the Derrived Data folder, re-open Xcode, and try again.
Select the NewRelic package product, select your target, and select Finish.
In your
file, add this call as the first line ofapplicationDidFinishLaunchWithOptions
, replacingAPP_TOKEN
with your application token:NewRelic.start(withApplicationToken:"APP_TOKEN")
To ensure proper instrumentation, you must call the agent on the first line of
, and run the agent on the main thread. Starting the call later, on a background thread, or asynchronously can cause unexpected or unstable behavior. -
Add a build script to your target's Build Phases. Ensure the new build script is the very last build script. Then paste the following snippet, replacing
with your application token:
Depending on your agent version add the code block below.
- Use this line as your run script on iOS Agent 7.4.0+:
ARTIFACT_DIR="${BUILD_DIR%Build/*}" SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" -type f -name run-symbol-tool | head -n 1` /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
- For iOS Agent 7.3.8 or before you must use the following 6 line script:
SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" -name | head -n 1` if [ -z "${SCRIPT}"]; then ARTIFACT_DIR="${BUILD_DIR%Build/*}SourcePackages/artifacts" SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" -name | head -n 1` fi /bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
Optional Step: Add the following lines to your build script above the existing lines to skip symbol upload during debugging.
if [ ${CONFIGURATION} = "Debug" ]; then echo "Skipping DSYM upload CONFIGURATION: ${CONFIGURATION}" exit 0 fi
With the 7.4.6 release the dsym-upload-tools are no longer included inside the XCFramework. The dsym-upload-tools are available in the dsym-upload-tools folder of the Swift Package Manager repository. Please copy this dsym-upload-tools directory to your applications source code directory if you are integrating the New Relic iOS Agent by copying XCFramework into project or using cocoapods.
If there is a checkbox below Run script that says "Run script: Based on Dependency analysis" please make sure it is not checked.
Clean and build your app, then run it in the simulator or other device.
If you have not created a Mobile Application:
- Click "Add more" in the top right,
- name your application, and
- download the New Relic agent for your platform and follow the instructions.
- You can also select the “Add more data” option from the user menu in the upper right corner of the top navigation, then the iOS button to access the installation page.
If you have previously created a Mobile Application:
- Click the name of your mobile app,
- choose Installation from the Settings section in the left nav, and
- download the New Relic agent for your platform and follow the instructions.
You might see the following errors when adding the Swift package:
- Artifact does not match checksum
- Cannot download framework from remoteSourceControl
If you see these types of errors, try the following:
- De-integrate New Relic Swift package from the Xcode project.
- Run these commands from the terminal to delete spm caches:
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm rm -rf ~/Library/org.swift.swiftpm
- Delete derived data using Xcode.
- Re-integrate the New Relic Swift package into the Xcode project.
Please visit the New Relic Support page for help with any issues you encounter with our agents.
A note about vulnerabilities
As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.
New Relic Swift Package Manager Deployment is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.