This is a pure SQL implementation of the Advent of Code 2024. All queries were tested on Umbra v0.2-957, PostgreSQL 17.2, and DuckDB v1.1.3.
Each day is a self-contained SQL file that contains both the puzzle input and the query text to compute the answer. The files currently hold the (small) reference inputs provided by the puzzles. To solve the real challenge, replace the reference input with the individual puzzle input. For example, the query from day 11 is:
with recursive aoc10_input(i) as (select '
lines(y,line) as (
select 0, substr(i,1,position(E'\n' in i)-1), substr(i,position(E'\n' in i)+1)
from aoc10_input
union all
select y+1,substr(r,1,position(E'\n' in r)-1), substr(r,position(E'\n' in r)+1)
from lines l(y,l,r) where position(E'\n' in r)>0
field(x,y,v) as (
select x,y,ascii(substr(line,x::integer,1))-48
from (select * from lines l where line<>'') s, lateral generate_series(1,length(line)) g(x)
paths(x,y,v,sx,sy) as (
select x,y,9,x,y from field where v = 9
union all
select f.x,f.y,f.v,,
from field f, paths p
where f.v=p.v-1 and ((f.x=p.x and abs(f.y-p.y)=1) or (f.y=p.y and abs(f.x-p.x)=1)) and p.v>0),
results as (select * from paths where v=0),
part1 as (select distinct * from results)
select (select count(*) from part1) as part1, (select count(*) from results) as part2;
Replace lines 2-9 with your input to solve the general case.
Nearly all solutions are reasonably fast, at least when executed in Umbra, with runtimes of at most a few seconds. The other systems can usually solve the reference input, but sometimes struggle with the full input, exhibiting very high response times. For two days Umbra requires a system with a lot of main memory, and execution takes a few minutes. The problematic cases are listed below, "slow" usually means "it took longer than I was willing to wait".
- day 5 is slow in Postgres and DuckDB.
- day 6 needs a machine with ca. 80GB of main memory for Umbra, and produces an internal error in DuckDB.
- day 9 is slow in Postgres and DuckDB.
- day 14 is slow in DuckDB.
- day 15 is slow in DuckDB even for the reference input.
- day 16 needs a machine with ca. 240GB of main memory for Umbra, and runs for 2 minutes. It is slow in Postgres and DuckDB.
- day 17 is not supported by DuckDB due to a missing xor operator.
- day 20 is slow in DuckDB.
- day 22 is not supported by DuckDB due to a missing xor operator.
- day 23 is slow in Postgres.
- day 24 is not supported by DuckDB due to a missing xor operator.
- day 25 is slow in Postgres.