You can still contribute at or join us on Slack at, a leaderboard of top open-source static site generators.
Missing a static site generator here? Just fork the repo and add your generator
as a <name>.md
in the content/projects
Make sure to follow the following rules:
- Static Site Generation: No "flat-file CMSs" or similar tools. The program must be able to output a static website that can be hosted in places like Netlify, S3 or Github Pages.
- Open Source: The generator must have a public repository on Github that we can link to and pull in stats from.
- Stick to the format: Fill out all the same fields as the other static site generators in
. - Short description: Keep all the details for the body text, keep the description for the overview page short and sweet.
Be sure that you have the latest node and npm installed, then clone this repository and run:
npm install
npm start
In order to successfully retrieve Twitter followers and repository stars (GitHub or GitLab), you will need authentication keys for these services.
For GitHub, all you'll need is a personal access token with the repo and gist scopes. This can be
generated at For GitLab, you'll also need a personal access
token. This can be generated at For Twitter,
you need to create an application at to get the necessary tokens. When
deploying, you must set the environment variables per the example below. If you are developing
locally, you can set these in a .env
file at the root of the repo.
GitHub, GitLab, and Twitter data is cached in the .tmp
directory, and online in a Gist. If neither
has data newer than 24 hours old, fresh data is fetched from GitHub, GitLab, and Twitter. Fetching
caching occur automatically during the build.
Then visit http://localhost:8000/ - Gatsby will automatically reload when changes occur.
To test a production build locally, do:
npm run stage
npm run serve
To run a production build for deployment:
npm run build is built and maintained by Netlify, a hosting and automation service for static websites and apps.
StaticGen is released under the MIT License. Please make sure you understand its implications and guarantees.