Bitmap font parser for rustlang. Currently supports:
(xml flavour); example generator:
Returns a structure containing the informations contained in a .fnt
(xml format), ready to be processed by a renderer.
extern crate bmfont;
use bmfont::{ parse as bmparse };
use std::path::{ PathBuf, Path };
use std::env;
fn main() {
let cwd: PathBuf = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let assetspath: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(cwd).join(Path::new("examples/assets"));
let fontdescriptorpath: PathBuf = assetspath.join(Path::new("font.fnt"));
let res = bmparse(fontdescriptorpath);
println!("{:?}", res);
$ cargo run --example parse
// file:
extern crate graphics;
extern crate bmfont;
use opengl_graphics::{ GlGraphics, Texture as GlTexture };
use piston_window::{ Context, Image };
use graphics::DrawState;
use bmfont::{ BmFont };
pub struct TextRenderer {
pub texture: GlTexture,
map: BmFont
impl TextRenderer {
pub fn new(font: BmFont) -> Self {
TextRenderer {
texture: GlTexture::from_path(&(font.pages[0]).file).unwrap(),
map: font
pub fn render(
text: String,
center_x: f64,
center_y: f64,
color: [f32; 4],
c: &Context,
gl: &mut GlGraphics
) {
let mut x = center_x;
let y = center_y;
for character in text.chars() {
let charcode = character as u32;
//let bmchar: &BmChar;
if let Some(bmchar) = {
Image::new_color([color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]])
.src_rect([bmchar.x as i32, bmchar.y as i32, bmchar.width as i32, bmchar.height as i32])
.rect([x as f64, y + bmchar.yoffset as f64, bmchar.width as f64, bmchar.height as f64])
x += bmchar.width as f64 + bmchar.xoffset as f64;
In your program, use the bitmap font renderer like so:
// [...]
mod text_renderer;
use text_renderer::TextRenderer;
// [...] During init
let cwd: PathBuf = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let assetspath: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(cwd).join(Path::new("assets/font"));
let fontdescriptorpath: PathBuf = assetspath.join(Path::new("myfont.fnt"));
let textr = TextRenderer::new(bmparse(fontdescriptorpath));
// [...] In your render method
const BLACK:[f32; 4] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
String::from("Hello, World !"), // The string to render
200.0, // posx
200.0,// posy
BLACK, // Color
&c, // Piston window Context; passed in gl.draw callback; may be built using let ref c = Context::new_abs(viewwidth as f64, viewheight as f64);
&mut gl // GlGraphics object