docker-compose build
docker-compose run web rake db:create
To seed database with example products just run docker-compose run --rm web rake db:seed
You can easily run specs on docker using docker-compose run --rm web rspec spec/
This tutorial will teach you Graphql. Reasonable time to go through it is 2 days but tinkering around is encouraged. Tutorial is split into multiple scenarios. All scenarios are in spec/tutorial_spec.rb file. But solving a scenario will require you to visit other places in this application. You must solve scenarios in order starting with scenario_1 . When you start a scenario it's tests will be failing. Follow particular scenario instructions add/change application code to make the tests pass. When all scenario tests pass the scenario is done and you can procceed to the next one.
Clone the repository
git clone
Go inside.
cd graphql-starter-pack
Make a working branch for yourself
git checkout -b my_graphql_tutorial
Open spec/tutorial_spec.rb file in editor and look at scenario_1
Run rspec
docker-compose run --rm web rspec spec/tutorial_spec.rb
Follow instructions until scenario_1 passes in rspec
Go to the next scenario!
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You can use graphiql to test your queries and check documentation.